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.However, it is sometimes possi-MSRCble to spoof the identity of a server, especially in anStands for Microsoft Security Response Center, a teamInternet scenario in which information is sent over anof security professionals at Microsoft responsible forinsecure public communication system and is subject toresponding to security threats involving Microsofteavesdropping, interception, and hijacking.Althoughproducts.simple consumer transactions such as users buyinggoods online may suffice with one-way authenticationSee: Microsoft Security Response Center (MSRC)of clients by e-commerce servers, more costly business-to-business (B2B) and financial industry transactionsMSSPneed both ends of a communication channel to beauthenticated before establishing a session and per-Stands for managed security service provider, a com-forming a transaction.Mutual authentication is thepany that provides outsourced security services togeneral term for any scheme by which both partiesbusinesses.authenticate the other prior to sending sensitive infor-See: managed security service provider (MSSP)mation to each other.MOne protocol that was developed for mutual authentica-Mstreamtion is Kerberos, a popular authentication protocolA tool for launching distributed denial of servicedeveloped by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology(DDoS) attacks.(MIT) and used by Active Directory directory service inOverview Microsoft Windows 2000 and Windows Server 2003.Mstream is a DDoS tool that uses a handler/agent archi- Other mutual authentication protocols include thetecture similar to Trin00 and other common exploits.following:The signature of an Mstream attack is a flood of Trans-Ï% Microsoft Challenge Handshake Authenticationmission Control Protocol (TCP) packets that have theirProtocol version 2 (MS-CHAPv2)acknowledgment (ACK) flag set.These packets gener-ally have random source Internet Protocol (IP) Ï% Extensible Authentication Protocol/Transportaddresses and random source and destination TCP Layer Security (EAP/TLS)socket numbers.The target host responds with largeÏ% Symmetric-Key Three-Pass Mutual Authenticationnumbers of TCP Reset (RST) packets sent to nonexist-Protocol defined in the ISO 9798 standardent hosts, resulting in bandwidth starvation and exces-sive central processing unit (CPU) utilization.See Also: authentication, KerberosThe Mstream attack is a modified version of the Streamexploit, an older denial of service (DoS) attack.See Also: distributed denial of service (DDoS), Trin00199 NFor More Information1NATVisit www.nsa.gov/isso/partners/ncsc.htm for moreStands for network address translation, a mechanisminformation.for translating Internet Protocol (IP) addresses betweenSee Also: infosec, National Security Agency (NSA),two networks.Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria (TCSEC)See: network address translation (NAT)National FraudNational ComputerInformation Center (NFIC)Security Center (NCSC)An organization helping consumers and law enforce­An initiative of the National Security Agency (NSA)ment agencies fight fraud.focused on information security (infosec).OverviewOverviewThe National Fraud Information Center (NFIC) wasThe National Computer Security Center (NCSC) beganformed by the National Consumers League (NCL) inin 1981 as the Department of Defense Computer Secu­1992 and provides a national toll-free hotlinerity Center and was a partnership between government,(1-800-876-7060 from 9 to 5 Monday through Friday)industry, and academia devoted to promoting researchthat consumers can call if they think they are victims ofand development in information systems security.telemarketing or Internet fraud.NFIC also operates NTogether with the Trusted Product Evaluation ProgramInternet Fraud Watch, which provides consumers with(TPEP), another NSA initiative, the NCSC operates aadvice concerning various promotions and fraudprogram for evaluating commercially developed com­schemes propagated on the Internet through Web sitesputing equipment designed for high-security environ­and e-mail, including tips on how to recognize a fraudments to ensure their capability for securely processingsuch as the following:classified information.Together with other governmentÏ% A bogus credit card offeragencies such as the National Institute of Standards andTechnology (NIST), the NCSC also develops and pub­Ï% Amazingly cheap computer equipment and softwarelishes criteria and standards for developing trustedÏ% Pyramid schemes and Nigerian money offersinformation systems.Ï% So-called advance fee loansFor over two decades the NCSC promoted infosecawareness through an annual National Information Sys­Ï% Charity and scholarship scamstems Security Conference, but this was discontinued inÏ% Credit repair services and credit card loss protection2000.The NCSC also developed and published the leg­schemesendary Orange Book, the Trusted Computer SystemEvaluation Criteria (TCSEC) used by the DepartmentÏ% Business opportunities and work-at-home scamsof Defense for designing secure information systems.Ï% Fraudulent online auctions201 National Information Assurance Certification and Accreditation Process (NIACAP)For more information1 Ï% Validation phase: The actual certification andVisit www.fraud [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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