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.Unix file compressed by the compressZAW has evolved over time and now focusesutility.on three main areas:ZAK See Zero Administration Kit.Installing an operating system on a newcomputer or on a new hard disk in anZAW See Zero Administration forexisting computerWindows.Deploying applications from centralservers to the desktopZ.E.N.works See Novell Z.E.N.works.Distributing modifications or upgrades toZero Administration Kit AbbreviatedapplicationsZAK.A collection of tools, scripts, andSee also NetPC; network computer; thinmethodologies used by system administra-client; total cost of ownership.tors to simplify the implementation of se-cure management on the Windows familyZero Insertion Force socket A special-of operating systems.ly designed chip socket that makes replac-ZAK allows system administrators to ing a chip easier and safer.perform three main functions quickly andTo change a chip in a ZIF socket, you raiseeasily:a lever beside the socket to free the originalchip s pins from the socket.You then slideTo centralize configurationthe old chip out and slide in the replacementTo eliminate local access to the desktopchip, taking care to align the pins and holes.computerFinally, you lower the lever again.A ZIFsocket minimizes damage to the delicateTo allow storage of data and applicationspins that connect the chip to the rest of theon the server rather than on the clientsystem.See also Advanced Configuration andPower Interface; Desktop Management In- zero-slot LAN A local-area network thatterface; NetPC; network computer; thin cli- uses one of the existing serial or parallelent; total cost of ownership; Wired for ports on the computer rather than a specialManagement; Zero Administration for network interface card plugged in to theWindows.computer s expansion bus.425Copyright © 2000 SYBEX Inc., Alameda, CA.www.sybex.com 2461book Page 426 Thursday, May 4, 2000 11:59 AMzero-wait-state computerBecause zero-slot LANs can only transmit ZIP file A file whose contents have beenas fast as the computer s output port, they compressed by one of the popular file-com-are considerably slower than networks that pression utilities, such as PKZIP, WinZip,use network-specific hardware and soft- or other comparable program; the filenameware.The maximum length of each cable extension is.ZIP.segment is also severely limited, so zero-slotA ZIP file can contain a single compressedLANs can network only two or three com-file or a whole collection of archives.A fileputers.The advantage of a zero-slot LAN iscompressed in this way is said to have beenits low cost compared with dedicated net-zipped.work systems.To uncompress a ZIP file, use the same util-See also peer-to-peer network.ity that compressed it originally.Some ZIPfiles are self-extracting and can uncompresszero-wait-state computer A computerthemselves when you click their icon.that can process information without pro-cessor wait states, which are clock cyclesSee also file compression; PKZIP; WinZip;during which no instructions are executed.ZIP.because the processor is waiting for datafrom a device or from memory.zipped See ZIP file.Static RAM chips and paged-mode RAMZmodem A popular file transfer proto-chips are becoming popular because theycol available in many off-the-shelf andcan store information without being con-shareware communications packages.stantly refreshed by the processor, thuseliminating the wait state.Zmodem is similar to Xmodem and Ymo-dem but is designed to handle larger dataSee also wait state.transfers with fewer errors.Zmodem alsoZIF socket See Zero Insertion Forceincludes a feature called checkpoint restart,socket.which allows an interrupted transmissionto resume at the point of interruption, rath-.ZIP Filename extension that identifies aer than starting again at the beginning of thefile compressed by the PKZIP or WinZiptransmission.utilities.See also Kermit; Xmodem; Ymodem.See also PKZIP; WinZip; ZIP file.Zip Drive A popular removable storage zombie In Unix and other operating sys-device from Iomega Corporation, capable tems, a dead process that has not yet beenof storing 100MB on relatively cheap, por- deleted from the process table.table, 3.5-inch disks.Most zombies disappear almost immedi-Zip Drives have emerged as the de factoately, although from time to time, you maystandard personal computer backup device.find one that is impossible to delete with-See also Iomega Corporation.out rebooting the system.Zombies do not426Copyright © 2000 SYBEX Inc., Alameda, CA.www.sybex.com 2461book Page 427 Thursday, May 4, 2000 11:59 AMzoneconsume any system resources, other than zone On a local-area network such astheir slot in the process table.AppleTalk, a logical subgroup of userswithin a larger group of interconnectednetworks.427Copyright © 2000 SYBEX Inc., Alameda, CA.www.sybex.com 2461book Page 428 Thursday, May 4, 2000 11:59 AMAppendix A: Information on the InternetAppendix A: Information on theInternetThis appendix contains a selection of the networking resources available on the WorldWide Web, broken out by category to help you find the information you are looking forquickly and easily.To be consistent with the rest of this book, I have not specified the pro-tocol used to access each Web site; unless a different protocol is specified, you can simplyassume that HTTP will work in all cases.Just add http:// to the beginning of each Webaddress in your browser when you access a site.The Web is in a constant state of flux as URLs change and Web sites disappear.The better-organized sites will simply post a link to the new location if they make substantive changes,and you can use that new link to go right to the new or reorganized site [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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