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ABC Amber CHM Converter Trial version, http://www.thebeatlesforever.com/processtext/abcchm.html[ Team LiB ] ABC Amber CHM Converter Trial version, http://www.thebeatlesforever.com/processtext/abcchm.html[ Team LiB ]Ensuring InteroperabilityOne of the most worrisome aspects of purchasing equipment is that it won t work withnewer equipment, essentially negating your investment.There s no use trying to predictwhat new technology will be available two years from now, but you can work to ensure theability to upgrade your existing equipment.Thankfully, all wireless access points include Ethernet ports.Since Ethernet is the mostcommon and least expensive means to network computers, you can mix or bridge wirelessand Ethernet network hardware.For instance, you can purchase an Ethernet-to-phoneline or Ethernet-to-powerline bridge.These hardware devices will allow you to use "no-new-wires" technologies to expand yournetwork.Phoneline equipment is less expensive than newer powerline equipment, buteither can be a big help if you have available outlets or phone jacks.We discuss networksthat use more than one technology, called hybrid networks, in more detail in Chapter 4.You might find that you ll get more use, and longer life, out of your wireless equipment ifyou use its capability to connect to Ethernet and bridge other networking technologies.[ Team LiB ] ABC Amber CHM Converter Trial version, http://www.thebeatlesforever.com/processtext/abcchm.html[ Team LiB ]Finding Help on the InternetThere s an obvious benefit to the easy access and timeliness of wireless networkinginformation on the Internet, and now that you don t have to wait to get online anymore,you should make use of it.The 802.11 wireless networking standards are in flux, and new information comes outabout them every day.New equipment, some that will bridge different wireless standards,is introduced at a fast pace as well.And you ll want to stay on top of pricing as costs comedown and you look to purchase equipment that will allow you to expand your network.The Web isn t the only place to look for wireless networking information.Resources suchas online newsgroups often offer specific information about your make and model ofequipment.Mailing lists are also a big help and give you access to savvy network usersthat can help you when you have a specific question and are in a hurry.[ Team LiB ] ABC Amber CHM Converter Trial version, http://www.thebeatlesforever.com/processtext/abc[ Team LiB ] ABC Amber CHM Converter Trial version, http://www.thebeatlesforever.com/processtext/abcChecking Out the WebNeed an updated driver or a firmware upgrade to your router? Check out your vendor sweb site and while you re on the Web, compare vendors online tech support.Odds areyou ll be using a network hardware vendor s support site to download drivers and find helpfor your equipment.Make sure the vendors you buy from offer lots of guidance andeasy-to-find software downloads.Here is a list of common wireless network equipment makers.3Com (www.support.3com.com)Compaq (www.compaq.com/support/files/networking)D-Link (www.dlink.com/tech) (Figure 6.7)Figure 6.7.D-Link s Web site.Intel (www.support.intel.com)Linksys (www.linksys.com/download)Netgear (www.support1.netgear.com/netgear1) (Figure 6.8)Figure 6.8.Netgear s Web site.Proxim (www.proxim.com/support/software) ABC Amber CHM Converter Trial version, http://www.thebeatlesforever.com/processtext/abcchm.html[ Team LiB ] ABC Amber CHM Converter Trial version, http://www.thebeatlesforever.com/processtext/abcchm.html[ Team LiB ]Finding Answers through NewsgroupsWhen your network equipment isn t working or you have questions before you purchasehardware, newsgroups are a good place to check in.You don t need to take the time toconfigure a newsgroup reader.You can read through and search newsgroups using yourWeb browser.Google Groups (www.groups.google.com)Google Groups (Figure 6.9) offers a searchable interface to newsgroups, with an archivethat goes back to the mid-1990s.Since you re probably more interested in getting thelatest information, the site can help there too, offering the capability to sort by date.Google is particularly helpful when you have a question that relates to a specific make andmodel of equipment.In many instances, you ll find that your question has already beenanswered.Figure 6.9.Google Group s Web site.comp.std.wirelessThe comp.std.wireless newsgroup offers plenty of advice on all sorts of wirelessnetworking subjects.Subject matter tends to be a bit more technical than most of theother resources mentioned here.If you are interested in seeing whether your question hasalready been answered in the newsgroups, check out the Google Groups search (previouslisting).[ Team LiB ] ABC Amber CHM Converter Trial version, http://www.thebeatlesforever.com/processtext/abcchm.html ABC Amber CHM Converter Trial version, http://www.thebeatlesforever.com/processtext/abcchm.html[ Team LiB ]Getting Assistance from Mailing ListsIf you don t mind a few more messages in your inbox every day, a mailing list can be agood way to keep informed about wireless LANs.You can typically sign up to receive thee-mail messages as they are submitted, or all at once, in digest form.Publicly Accessible Mailing Lists (www.paml.net)Not sure where to start? You can find mailing lists here, as well as an archive of messages.The Mail Archive Site (Figure 6.10) offers a searchable archive of mailing lists.Figure 6.10.Publicly Accessible Mailing Lists Web site.Wireless LAN (WLAN) Mailing List (www.groups.yahoo.com/group/wirelesslan)The Wireless LAN Mailing List is a good place to sign up for news and user concerns aboutwireless networks.Discussion includes topics such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth personal networkingtechnology, and connecting PDAs to wireless networks.Messages are archived by date atthe site.You ll need a (free) Yahoo account to join this group.[ Team LiB ] ABC Amber CHM Converter Trial version, http://www.thebeatlesforever.com/processtext/abcchm.html[ Team LiB ]Looking Toward the FutureIf you re looking for the latest trends in wireless equipment, including newer, fastertechnologies that are coming soon, check out these sites.80211-Planet.com (www.80211-planet.com)What better place to start than a web site that has 802.11 in its name? A recentdiscussion focused on 802.11b products that will get a speed boost in future editions andwill be able to communicate with older and slower 802.11b hardware? Is it worth the extramoney? Check out the site s hardware reviews (Figure 6.11) to find out.Figure 6.11.802.11- Planet s Web site.IDG.net (www.idg.net)Staying on top of wireless LAN technology can be daunting.You can keep abreast of newtechnologies that are introduced nearly daily at IDG.net, a web site that pulls together thecontent of a number of trade magazines and is fully searchable.These resources should help you get more work done with your wireless LAN and spendless time troubleshooting.Good surfing to you.[ Team LiB ] ABC Amber CHM Converter Trial version, http://www.thebeatlesforever.com/processtext/abcchm.html[ Team LiB ]SummaryBuying the right equipment at a reasonable cost is easy if you know where to look.Firststop, the Internet.Here you ll find great advice from experts and users on which wirelesstechnologies will work best for your environment.Once you know what technology youwant, it s time to search for the make and model you ll purchase [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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