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.For example, you can manually apply HTML formatting using acombination of tags, and then save that formatting as an HTML style; it s storedin the HTML Style palette.The next time you want to format text using thatcombination of HTML tags, you can simply select the saved style from theHTML Style palette.HTML styles are supported by all Web browsers and savetime over manually formatting text.Another kind of style, called a CSS style, lets you apply text and page formattingwith the advantage of automatic updating.You can store CSS styles directly inthe document or, for more power and flexibility, in external style sheet.If youattach an external style sheet to several web pages, all the pages automaticallyreflect any changes you make to the style sheet.To access CSS styles, use theCSS Style palette.Manual HTML formatting and HTML styles apply formatting using standardHTML tags (such as B, FONT, and CODE) that are supported by all popular Webbrowsers.CSS styles define the formatting for all text in a particular class orredefine the formatting for a particular tag (such as H1, H2, P, or LI).CSS (whichstands for Cascading Style Sheets) is supported only by the newer Web browsersNetscape Navigator 4.0 and later and Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 and later.You can use CSS styles, HTML styles, and manual HTML formatting within thesame page.Manual HTML formatting overrides formatting applied by an HTMLstyle or CSS style, so although it is labor intensive, it can be a convenient methodof modifying formatting applied by HTML styles or CSS styles.177 Formatting text using HTML tagsYou can apply HTML text formatting to one letter or build a whole site usingText > Format commands or options in the Property inspector.This kind ofmanual formatting replaces or overrides formatting set by an HTML style orCSS style.When you apply HTML text formatting, you use the Property inspector andcommands in the Text menu, such as Text > Format and Text > Style.Applying paragraph and heading tagsUse the Format pop-up menu in the Property inspector or the Text > Formatsubmenu to apply the standard paragraph and heading tags.(To redefine theappearance of paragraph and heading tags, use CSS style sheets; see  Formattingtext with CSS style sheets on page 188.)To apply a paragraph or heading tag:1 Place the insertion point in the paragraph, or select some of the text inthe paragraph.2 Using the Text > Format submenu or the Format pop-up menu in the Propertyinspector, choose an option:Choose a paragraph format (for example, Heading 1, Heading 2, PreformattedText, and so on).The HTML tag associated with the selected style (forexample, H1 for Heading 1, H2 for Heading 2, PRE for Preformatted text, and soon) is applied to the entire paragraph.Choose None to remove a paragraph format.178 Chapter 6 Changing font characteristicsUse the Property inspector or the Text menu to change font characteristics forselected text.To change font characteristics:1 Select the text.If no text is selected, the change applies to subsequent textyou type.2 Choose from the following options:To change the font, choose a font combination from the Property inspector orfrom the Text > Font submenu.Browsers display the text using the first font in the combination that is installedon the user s system.If none of the fonts in the combination is installed, thebrowser displays the text as specified by the browser preferences.(See also Modifying font combinations on page 180.) Choose Default to removepreviously applied font faces; Default applies the default font for the selectedtext (either the browser default font or the font assigned to that tag in theCSS style sheet).To change the font style, click Bold or Italic in the Property inspector,or choose a font style (Bold, Italic, Underline, and so on) from theText > Style submenu.To change the font size, choose a size (1 through 7) from the Property inspectoror from the Text > Size submenu.HTML font sizes are relative, not specific point sizes.Users set the point size ofthe default font for their browsers; this is the font size that they will see whenyou choose Default or 3 in the Property inspector or Text > Size submenu.Sizes1 and 2 will appear smaller than the default font size; sizes 4 through 7 willappear larger.To make your text appear in a specific point size every time, useCSS style sheets.To increase or decrease the size of selected text, choose a relative size (+ or  1 to+ or  7) from the Property inspector or from either the Text > Size Increase orText > Size Decrease menu.The numbers indicate a relative difference from the BASEFONT size.The defaultBASEFONT value is 3.Thus, a +4 value results in a font size of 7.Dreamweaverdoes not display the BASEFONT tag (which goes in the HEAD section), althoughthe font size should display properly in a browser [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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