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.You cantoggle off picture links in the same way.&' Repeated Hyperlinks: To display multiple hyperlinks with the same target URL, right-click in Hyperlinks view and select Repeated Hyperlinks from the context menu.Repeat the process to deselect this option to turn it off.Tasks viewTasks view contains a list of  things to do. Tasks are added to the Tasks view list bywizards that generate Webs, or you can add them yourself.To add a task, follow these steps:1.Select Tasks from the Views bar.2.Select Edit Tasks Add Task, or right-click in Tasks view and select Add Taskfrom the context menu.The New Task dialog box opens, as shown in Figure 7-17.Figure 7-17 Defining a task Chapter 7 &' Building FrontPage Web Sites 1633.Enter a task name and a description.You can also modify the Assigned To box.Selectone of the three priority radio buttons to assign a relative level of urgency to the task.4.Click OK.The task appears in the task list.Tasks that are created with a page open are associated with that page.You can start these tasksby right-clicking the task in Tasks view and selecting Start Task from the context menu.The context menu that opens when you right-click a task can be used to edit, mark ascompleted, or delete any task.However, only those tasks that were created with a page open(or generated from a wizard) can be started by right-clicking.Global Site EditingMost of the work you do to edit you Web site s content takes place in Page view, and is doneon a page-by-page basis.However, some editing tools in FrontPage work across an entireWeb.This section looks at two of these tools: spell checking, and search and replace.Spell checking your entire siteTo spell check your entire Web site, select Tools Spelling from a view other than Page view.If you select Tools Spelling in Page view, or click the Spelling tool in the Standard toolbar,Note you spell check only your open page.When you select the Spelling dialog box (in a view otherthan Page view), the dialog box has two radio buttons: Selected Page(s) and Entire Web.Tospell check your entire Web site, use the Entire Web option.You can also select the checkbox labeled Add a Task for Each Page with Misspellings.Thiscreates a list of pages that need their spelling checked.After you select these options, clickthe Start button to begin checking your spelling.FrontPage checks all of your pages for spelling errors and then creates a list in the Spellingdialog box, as shown in Figure 7-18.Figure 7-18 Checking an entire Web site generates a list of pages with spelling mistakes. 164 Part I &' Getting Functional with Office 2003If you selected the Add a Task option, you can click the Add Task button to add themarked pages to your task list.If you would rather correct your spelling immediately,double-click the page in the provided list in the Spelling dialog box to check spelling onthat page.Replacing text throughout a siteTo replace text throughout a site, select Edit Replace in any view.In the Replace dialogbox, enter the text you want to find in the Find What text box, and specify replacement textin the Replace With text box.The Replace dialog box includes the following options:&' Click the All Pages radio button to replace in every page.The Direction drop-down menu defines the direction in which the replacing tool moves throughNoteWeb pages.But it is only active when you are editing the current page, not when you replacethroughout your entire site.&' The Match Whole Word Only and Match Case checkbox options work like the Replacedialog box in Word or other Office applications.&' The Find in HTML checkbox enables you to search and replace HTML code.After you define your replace options, if you are replacing text in an entire Web, click theFind in Web button.FrontPage will generate a list of pages at the bottom of the Replacedialog box with the text to be replaced.Double-click a page to make the changes in thatpage.Alternatively, click the Add Task button to add the task to your task list.Editing Web page contentIn the following tutorial, you will experiment with adding content to a Web page.1.With a FrontPage Web open, choose Navigation view from the View bar.2.In Navigation view, double-click the home page to open it in Page view.3.Type Welcome to my Web site at the top of your home page and press Enter.4.Click and drag to select the text that you typed.Select Arial Black from the Font drop-down list; 24 point from the Font Size list; Italics; Center; and Red, from the FontColor palette.5.Click at the end of the text and select Insert Horizontal Line.6.Under the horizontal line, select Insert Symbol and double-click the symbol.ClickClose.Type your name after the copyright symbol.7.Select Insert Break and, with the Normal Line Break radio button selected, click OKto create a forced line break.8.Select Insert Comment and, in the Comment window, type This page needs to befinished! Click OK. Chapter 7 &' Building FrontPage Web Sites 1659.Double-click the word  Welcome and select Insert Bookmark.Click OK in theBookmark dialog box.10.Click to place your insertion point after the comment text.Press Enter 12 times andthen type Go to top.11.Double-click to select the word  top, and then click the Hyperlink button in thetoolbar.Pull down the Bookmark list and select Welcome.Click OK.12.On the Standard toolbar, click the New drop-down button and choose Task.Enter AddContent in the Task Name text box.Click OK.13.Click the Save button to save changes to the Web page.14.Select View Reports to get an overview of your (rather small) Web site.How muchserver space would you need for this Web site? (Hint: Look at the All Files row of thereport.)15.Select Hyperlinks view.Right-click and select Hyperlinks Inside Page from the contextmenu.The links illustrate the bookmark link in the page.16.Click the Tasks view.Right-click the task and select Start Task from the context menu.Add some text to your page and save it.Select Yes in the dialog box when prompted tomark the page as a completed task.SummaryIn designing your Web site, start by placing yourself in the shoes of a visitor.What informa-tion do you want to present right on the home page? What options do you want to makeavailable from the home page? You can translate your vision into a real site design inFrontPage s Navigation view  where you drag pages into a flowchart.FrontPage will generate automatic links on pages based on your Navigation view structure.These links are created in Link bars, which can be placed on pages, or in shared borders thatare embedded in each page in your Web site (or most pages).Once you design a site in FrontPage, you can use the Import tools to add other files fromyour computer or from the Internet [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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