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.6.Monitor and modify file and directory cache performance.7.View and modify server buffer and packet parameters.8.Define and enable block suballocation.9.List the steps used to enable file compression.10.Enable and manage the Packet BurstTM protocol.11.Enable and manage Large Internet Packets (LIPs).5-1IG 5-2 This document should only be used by a Novell-certified instructor.Revision 1.0If you think this document was pirated, call 1-800-PIRATES or 1-801-861-7101. Optimizing the Network and ServerPresentation NotesOptimizing the Network andServerIntroduce the section.ObjectivesPresent the objectives.Revision 1.0 This document should only be used by a Novell-certified instructor.IG 5-3If you think this document was pirated, call 1-800-PIRATES or 1-801-861-7101.Network and ServerOptimizing the NetWare 5 Advanced Administration Instructor GuideMemory Allocation Memory UtilizationEfficient Performance Secure EnvironmentFigure 5-1: Memory Management GoalsNetWare 5 MemoryManagementAs network administrator, you need to be familiar with memorymanagement.Most memory management tasks are handled by the NetWare memorymanagement architecture.It has the following goals:Memory AllocationMemory UtilizationEfficient PerformanceSecure EnvironmentNetWare 5 has enhanced memory allocation and memory managementfeatures that provide efficient performance and provide a simple andstraightforward environment for NLM developers.5-2IG 5-4 This document should only be used by a Novell-certified instructor.Revision 1.0If you think this document was pirated, call 1-800-PIRATES or 1-801-861-7101. Optimizing the Network and ServerPresentation NotesNetWare 5 MemoryManagementd 5-1 (Figure 5-1: MemoryManagement Goals)Introduce memorymanagement.Some students might have knowledge of memoryPoint out that memorymanagement in previous versions of NetWare and mightmanagement is thewant to discuss the differences.Be sure to limit the timeautomatic management ofspent on this topic.memory in the networkoperating system.Revision 1.0 This document should only be used by a Novell-certified instructor.IG 5-5If you think this document was pirated, call 1-800-PIRATES or 1-801-861-7101.Network and ServerOptimizing the NetWare 5 Advanced Administration Instructor GuideMemory AllocationWhen you manage the network, you need to be aware of memoryallocation and how it affects NetWare server performance.NetWare uses paging to allocate all memory resources in the system.Apage is a 4 KB block of RAM.The system can assign physicallydiscontiguous pages of memory in a logically contiguous (adjacent)range, resulting in efficient memory utilization.OperatingSystemCacheMemory(4 KB Pages)SystemNLMApplicationNLMFigure 5-2: Memory AllocationMemory allocation reserves a specific memory location in RAM forprocesses, instructions, and data.In the NetWare memory architecture,the network operating system (NOS) gives each process its ownallocation pool.Each process requests memory from its allocation pool and returnsmemory to the same pool; this minimizes fragmentation and maximizesefficiency.Efficient NetWare memory allocation also allows third-party developersto expediently create and optimize applications.5-3IG 5-6 This document should only be used by a Novell-certified instructor.Revision 1.0If you think this document was pirated, call 1-800-PIRATES or 1-801-861-7101. Optimizing the Network and ServerPresentation NotesMemory Allocationd 5-2 (Figure 5-2: MemoryAllocation)Most of this information is very important to applicationDescribe the memorydevelopers, but will be of limited use to most students.allocation process.Emphasize that third-partydevelopers can easily writeNLMs because of efficientmemory allocation routines.Revision 1.0 This document should only be used by a Novell-certified instructor.IG 5-7If you think this document was pirated, call 1-800-PIRATES or 1-801-861-7101.Network and ServerOptimizing the NetWare 5 Advanced Administration Instructor GuideMemory Deallocation andGarbage CollectionNetWare uses memory deallocation and garbage collection to collectunused segments of memory and return them to a common memorypool.Garbage collection is triggered by demand on the virtual memorysystem.The virtual memory system is checked every 10 seconds.Ifvirtual memory is being used heavily, then garbage collection happensimmediately.If virtual memory usage is low, then garbage collection happensaccording to the following process.First, an API named Free labels thememory as deallocated.The garbage collection process then recoversthe pieces of deallocated memory and returns them to the memory pool.The garbage collection routine is interruptible, can run in thebackground, and should run frequently.You can use the SET GARBAGE COLLECTION INTERVAL commandto optimize garbage collection.This parameter sets the interval forcollection.The range is from 1 to 60 minutes; the default is 5 minutes.5-4IG 5-8 This document should only be used by a Novell-certified instructor.Revision 1.0If you think this document was pirated, call 1-800-PIRATES or 1-801-861-7101. Optimizing the Network and ServerPresentation NotesMemory Deallocation and GarbageCollectionDiscuss memorydeallocation and garbagecollection.Emphasize that periodicgarbage collection isnecessary to ensure thatdeallocated memory isrecovered.s Demonstrate how to setgarbage collectionparameters with MONITOR.Emphasize that the demandon virtual memory overridesthe values in the garbagecollection parameters.Point out that the processesrun in the background.Revision 1.0 This document should only be used by a Novell-certified instructor.IG 5-9If you think this document was pirated, call 1-800-PIRATES or 1-801-861-7101.Network and ServerOptimizing the NetWare 5 Advanced Administration Instructor GuideVirtual MemoryNetWare provides a virtual memory system that can move data out ofmemory and into a file on disk if the data is not used frequently.Thevirtual memory system ensures that RAM is used more efficiently.It alsolessens the likelihood that low memory conditions will cause an abend.Understanding VirtualMemoryNetWare 5 assesses available memory to see which data has beenused less recently than the rest.Data that has not been used for sometime can be moved from memory to disk, thus freeing memory for otheruses.When the data on disk is needed again, it is moved back into availablememory.Because data is swapped on and off the disk, the availablememory can be used for a larger amount of data than its actual physicalcapacity would allow.When data is moved from memory to disk, it is stored in a swap file [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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