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.Allyou need is to write a strong sales letter that showsthe benefits to the potential customer (which makesthem want to order) and then get it out to theaudience that wants to buy your product  that is theformula for success!There are two major mistakes that people make whentargeting.First, many people want to serve everyone all of thetime.The problem is that they are letting 20% of theirprospects take up all their time.In other words, 80%of your customers will come very easily, but there willbe a small percentage that you will have to work for orwill require a lot of customer service (that is justbusiness).For example, if 20% of your customers areoverseas, don t speak English, and have differentcultural backgrounds you will need a differentapproach.You can maximize your potential if youcater to these customers by offering websites and salesmessages in different languages, or special incentivesor options for foreign orders.Be creative but don t compromise your efficiency bydoing so.It may be the case that these overseascustomers require a lot more correspondence to closea sale.They may not feel comfortable buying overseasor they may be more demanding of your time becauseInsider Secrets 3 - 11 NOTES:of long distance customer service or technicalproblems once the product is received.This can takeup a horrendous amount of time and effort.Concentrate your efforts on the majority of your clientbase.I would rather work 1 hour a day and make$100,000 a year instead of working eight hours aday to make $120,000 a year.Know when to cutyour losses!And don t think your product is suited for everyone ina certain industry.This is the most common andbiggest mistake you can make when targeting.It isbetter to find a niche market and dominate it thantrying to market your product to a wide range ofpeople.In other words if 80% of your client base is Americanmales between the age of 25 and 40 who have aninterest in home computing& this should be yourtarget market, not every single human being on theearth is interested in home computing!It is absolutely critical to have a real target market.Itis very easy to lose sight when you are consumed withyour own business and products.Thinking that yourproduct applies to everybody or a huge segment ofpeople (otherwise known as  you can t see the trees forthe forest ) can be costly.You have to define one or afew small target markets that will bring in the majorityof your sales.Let me give you a perfect example:As you probably know, I wrote the book called CarSecrets Revealed.It was designed to be the  motherof all car books.It has fantastic money saving tips ifyou were trying to buy a new car, owned a car andwere looking for tips on repairs, insurance andeveryday driving.It contained the answer to reducingevery automotive expense you could imagine.In otherwords any one of the 200 million car owners in NorthAmerica should have this book, right? Wow! I wasInsider Secrets 3 - 12 NOTES:thinking,  this should be a huge hit! This is a hugemarket that the book directly applies to.If I sell it toonly a small portion of the market, I will be verywealthy.But after the book was published and we sold a fewcopies, we noticed sales were not anywhere as high asthey should have been.We couldn t understand whypeople that owned cars would not want this book&especially with the diversity of the information and thelifetime money-back guarantee.We issued a survey viaemail to the first 500 people that bought the book.Acopy of that survey follows:To:From:Subject: Your HelpDear Friend,Thank you for ordering "Car Secrets Revealed" in thepast.I am Corey Rudl, the author of the book/software youreceived.I am sending out this email in hopes that wecan get feedback from you on our product and service (andhow to improve).Since no one likes taking the time to fill out asurvey.I wanted to motivate you by offering a free 6month subscription to the new CarTips(TM) newsletter.This will feature money-saving tips and tricks on allaspects of car buying, car repairs, car insurance, andmore.These subscriptions normally sell for $49.95 peryear, but by completing this survey and emailing it backto us you will receive six months FREE with no obligationto purchase any further issues.The new CarTips(TM)newsletter is due to be released in one month.I really appreciate your time and help to show us whatyou enjoyed about our product and service.and what wecan improve on.Insider Secrets 3 - 13 I also should make it clear that the information yousubmit to us is completely confidential and your emailaddress has never, and will never be given to anyone orany mailing list.This survey is just to help us better understand ourclients and what they want from Car Secrets.We want toserve you better.Just type your answers below the questions.Please answer the questions honestly.even if what youhave to say is "bad".We want to know what our strengthsand weaknesses are.= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =Survey Questions= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =#1) Did you buy the book/software because:a) You were buying a new car in the near future?b) You were buying a used car in the near future?c) Interested in repair rip-offs?d) Interested in general cost-cutting techniques?e) Interested because there were so many topics aboutcars covered in the book?f) Wanted to know how to drive a luxury car for freeevery year?g) Liked that you could get the info within 24 hours viaemail?h) Other?:___________________Note: If you bought the book for multiple reasons, try torate them on a scale of 1-5, 1 being the most importantand 5 being the least important.You can just mark 1-5beside each reason you bought (listed a-d).#2) What would you change about the book/software if youcould (what did you not like)?Insider Secrets 3 - 14 #3) What did you like about the book/software the best?#4) How was our service? 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