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.&' Right-click and choose Chart Type from the shortcut menu.The Chart ª' Chart Type command displays a dialog box much like the first step ofthe Chart Wizard.Click the Standard Types tab to select one of the standard charttypes (and a subtype), or click the Custom Types tab to select a customized chart.After selecting a chart type, click OK.The selected chart will be changed to thetype you selected.NoteIf you ve customized some aspects of your chart, choosing a new chart type fromthe Custom Types tab may override some or all of the changes you ve made.Forexample, if you ve added gridlines to the chart and then select a custom chart typethat doesn t use gridlines, your gridlines disappear.Therefore, it s a good idea tomake sure that you re satisfied with the chart before you make too many customchanges to it.However, you can always use Edit ª' Undo to reverse your actions.In the Custom Types tab, if you click the User-Defined option, the list box displaysthe name of any user-defined custom formats.Copying a chartTo make an exact copy of an embedded chart, press and hold down the Ctrl key.Click the chart and then drag the mouse pointer to a new location.To make a copyof a chart sheet, use the same procedure, but drag the chart sheet s tab. 20 539671 ch16.qxd 8/28/03 10:04 AM Page 357Chapter 16 &' Getting Started Making Charts357Deleting a chartTo delete an embedded chart, press Ctrl and click the chart (this selects the chartas an object).Then press Delete.To delete a chart sheet, right-click its sheet taband choose Delete from the shortcut menu.Moving and deleting chart elementsSome of the elements within a chart can be moved.The movable chart elementsinclude the titles, the legend, and data labels.To move a chart element, simply clickit to select it; then, drag it to the desired location in the chart.To delete a chart ele-ment, select it and then press Delete.Other modificationsWhen a chart is activated, you can select various parts of the chart to work with.Modifying a chart is similar to everything else you do in Excel.First, you make aselection (in this case, select a chart element).Then you issue a command to dosomething with the selection.Right-clicking an element in a chart displays a short-cut menu.This menu often (but not always) contains the command you need.You can use the Fill Color tool (which bears an image of a paint bucket) on theFormatting toolbar to change colors.For example, if you want to change the colorof a series, select the series and choose the color you want from the Fill Color tool.You ll find that many other toolbar tools work with charts, too.For example, you canselect the chart s legend and then click the Bold button to make the legend text bold.When you double-click a chart element (or press Ctrl+1 after selecting it), itsFormatting dialog box appears.The dialog box that appears varies, depending onthe item selected.In most cases, the dialog box is of the tabbed variety.Many modi-fications are self-evident  for example, changing the font used in a title.Others,however, are a bit more tricky.Cross- Refer to Chapter 17 for more information about customizing and formatting charts.ReferenceIn addition, you can right-click a chart element and get a shortcut menu that con-tains commands related to that element.Printing ChartsPrinting embedded charts is nothing special; you print them the same way that youprint a worksheet.As long as you include the embedded chart in the range that youwant to print, Excel prints the chart as it appears on-screen.When printing a sheet 20 539671 ch16.qxd 8/28/03 10:04 AM Page 358Part III &' Creating Charts and Graphics358that contains embedded charts, it s a good idea to preview first to ensure that yourcharts do not span multiple pages.TipIf you select an embedded chart and then choose File ª' Print (or click the Printbutton), Excel prints the chart on a page by itself and does not print the worksheet.If you don t want a particular embedded chart to appear on your printout, right-click a border of the chart and choose Format Chart Area from the shortcut menu.Click the Properties tab in the Format Chart Area dialog box and remove the checkmark from the Print Object check box.If you created the chart on a chart sheet, Excel prints the chart on a page by itself.If you open Excel s Page Setup dialog box when the chart sheet is active, the Sheettab is replaced with a tab named Chart.Figure 16-15 shows the Chart tab of thePage Setup dialog box, which has several options.Figure 16-15: The Chart tab of thePage Setup dialog box.&' Use Full Page: Excel prints the chart to the full width and height of the pagemargins.This usually isn t a good choice because the chart s relative propor-tions change and you lose the WYSIWYG advantage.&' Scale to Fit Page: Expands the chart proportionally in both dimensions untilone dimension fills the space between the margins.In other words, the aspectratio of the chart is maintained.This option usually results in the best printout.&' Custom: Prints the chart as it appears on your screen.Select View ª' Sizedwith Window to make the chart correspond to the window size and propor-tions.The chart prints at the current window size and proportions.The Printing quality options work just like those for worksheet pages [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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