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., 113 and father of New France, 57Boston Harbor, 41 influence on the Native Americans,Britannia (royal yacht), 102 54British, 63 on rebuilding Quebec, 56and Canada transferred to them, and respecting the Natives, 5671 72 searching for city of gold, 41gaining control of the statue of, 45St.Lawrence, 66 Chicago, Illinois, 109Brûlé, Étienne Clayton, New York, 113his death, 60 Cleveland, Ohio, 109his exploring, 59 Columbus, Christopher, 25Buade, Louis de, 63 Company of One HundredBuffalo, New York, 82, 109 Associates, 50, 51, 52, 53Burgoyne, John (General), 76 and dissolved, 60Confederation of the DominionCabot, John, 25 26 of Canada, 79Canada, 31 Coureurs du bois (runners of thegained independence, 77 woods)Canadian geese, 111 on fur trading, 62Canadian Pacific Railroad, 88 Cree tribe, 16, 22Canadians, 2gaining control of the Dauphin (ship), 26St.Lawrence, 66 Death of General Montgomery, TheCanadian Shield, 5 (painting), 75Captain David Kirke, 51, 53 Detroit, Michigan, 109126 INDEX Diamond of Canada, a, 35 Hiawatha, 19Dominion Bridge Company, 88 Hochelaga, 60Dominion Day, 101 Hudson River, 82Donnaconna, 32, 33 Huron Confederacy, 13Huron tribe, 9, 44Eastern Woodland Iroquoians, 8, 9 dwellings of, 14Eisenhower, Dwight D., 99 how they lived, 12 13, 14Eisenhower Lock, 99, 100, 102, 103, and lost control of the107 St.Lawrence, 66Erie Canal, 82, 83, 93 referred to as the Wyandottes, 12Europeans, 2 and trade, 15arrival to the St.Lawrence, 9, 21 23 Hydroelectric power, 2, 93, 112Fish, 111 Indian Scene on the St.LawrenceFive Iroquois Nations, 19, 44 (illustration), 22Fort Carillon, 68 Inuits (Eskimos), 8Fort Edward, 68 Iron ore, 105Fort St.Frederic, 68 Iroquois Confederacy, 19Fort Ticonderoga, 46 Iroquois Lock, 100Fort William Henry, 68 Iroquois tribe, 9, 31, 44, 46, 60, 97Foulon, 70 call themselves HaudenosauneeFrench considered French an enemy, 47 48established along the enemies of, 18St.Lawrence, 59 how they lived, 20gaining control of the and lost control of theSt.Lawrence, 66 St.Lawrence, 66French Canadians, 63 sided with the British, 63French and Indian War (1754 1763) Irwin, May, 113French surrendered Quebec, 71reason for, 68 Jamestown, Virginia, 42, 50French merchants, 38 Jesuits, 54, 59on converting the NativeGanonh sees, 20 Americans, 55Gaspe Harbor, 29, 30 Gray Robes, 55 Kahnawake Reserve, 66, 67, 88Great Depression, 94 the iron cross, 89Great Lakes, 2, 5 Kanesatake Reserve, 66Great Lakes/St.Lawrence Pollution Kebec, 40, 45Prevention Initiative, 110 King Francis I, 26, 30, 33Gulf of Mexico, 62 on finding wealth, 38King George s War (1740 1747),Hamilton, Ontario, 4, 109 65 66, 67Herald Hotel King Henry IV, 42and renamed the Thousand King Henry VII, 25Islands Inn, 113 King Louis VIII, 50, 52127 INDEXKing Louis XIV, 60 Montmagny, Charles de, 57King William s War (1689 1697), Montagnais tribe (Naskapi), 9, 22,63, 64, 65 44houses they lived in, 17Labrador, 109 hunted seals, 18Lachine Canal, 80, 83 hunting bands, 16a link in shipping trade, 82 Montcalm, Louis de (General),Lachine Rapids, 59, 80, 81, 99 68 69, 70Lake Champlain, 45 46 battle with Wolfe, 71Lake Erie, 2, 59 Montgomery, Richard (General),Lake Huron, 2, 59 73, 74, 76Lake Michigan, 2, 90 led American troops on QuebecLake Ontario, 2, 3, 59, 109 campaign, 75Lake Superior, 2, 59, 90 Mont Real, 31, 60LaLonde, George, 113 Montreal, 2, 63, 108 109LaLonde, Sophia, 113 fall of, 71Lamoka culture, 8 Monts, sieur de, 40, 42Laurentian culture, 8, 29 on the trading colony, 40 41Loosestrife, 112 Moses-Saunders Dam, 100Louisbourg (fortress), 64, 66established by the French, 65 Narragansett tribe, 9fall of, 69 Native Americans, 2Loyalists, 79 arrival of on the St [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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