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.1830), of New Hampshire, entered the army asa surgeon s mate of the 23rd Infantry in 1812, and was named sur- 458 APPENDIXgeon of the 31st Infantry in 1814.He was discharged in June 1815,but reinstated as surgeon s mate of the 3rd Infantry the followingSeptember.He became surgeon of the Mounted Rifles in 1818, andsurgeon major in 1821.(Heitman, 1:443)GAULT.Heitman does not list a captain of the 6th Infantry namedGault or Galt.GENTRY, William Thomas (d.1885), of Indiana, entered WestPoint in 1852, and upon graduation was breveted to second lieu-tenant of the 4th Infantry.Shortly after the outbreak of the CivilWar, he was promoted to first lieutenant of the 17th Infantry.Herose through the grades and finished the war as a brevet lieutenantcolonel.In 1869, he was assigned to the 19th Infantry with his ac-tive rank of captain, and was promoted to major of the 9th Infantryin 1879.He was lieutenant colonel of the 25th Infantry at the timeof his death.(Heitman, 1:451)GILMORE, Alexander (d.1894), of New Jersey, was appointedchaplain in 1870, and was post chaplain at Fort Whipple at the timeof Bourke s writing.He retired in 1879.(Heitman, 1:458)GOLDMAN, Henry Joseph, native of Germany, entered West Pointin 1873, and upon graduation was commissioned second lieutenantof the 5th Cavalry.He remained with the regiment and was captainas of 1903.(Heitman, 1:462)GODDARD, Vinton Augustus (d.1877), of New York, enteredWest Point in 1867, and upon graduation was posted to the 6thCavalry.He resigned in January 1873, but reentered the army thefollowing September as second lieutenant of the 4th Artillery.(Heit-man, 1:461)GOODWIN, Millard Fillmore, entered West Point in 1867, andupon graduation was commissioned as second lieutenant of the 9thCavalry.He was promoted to first lieutenant in 1879, and served asregimental quartermaster from 1881 to 1883.He resigned in August1883.(Heitman, 1:464)GOODWIN, William Percey (d.1899), entered the army as asecond lieutenant of the 14th Infantry in 1876.He was promotedto first lieutenant in 1889, and captain in 1894.He retired in 1898.(Heitman, 1: 464)GRANT, Frederick Dent (1850 1912), eldest son of General andPresident U.S.Grant, was born in St.Louis, Missouri, when his fatherwas posted there.He entered West Point in 1866, and upon gradu- PERSONS MENTIONED IN THE DIARY 459ation served as aide-de-camp to General Sherman.In 1872, he wasassigned to the 4th Cavalry.He was promoted to first lieutenant in1876, but from 1873 to 1881 served as ADC to General Sheridanwith the temporary rank of lieutenant colonel.He accompaniedGeorge Armstrong Custer on the Black Hills Expedition in 1874,and served in the Bannock War and the Victorio Campaign.Grantresigned in 1881 to help his father with his memoirs.He served asminister to Austria from 1889 to 1893.He reentered the army inthe Spanish-American War.He was appointed brigadier general ofVolunteers in 1898, and in the Regular Army in 1901.(Wikipedia;Heitman, 1:470)GREELY, Adolphus Washington (1844 1935), is best known forhis ill-fated Arctic expedition of 1881 84.On the Powder River Expe-dition, however, he was first lieutenant in the 5th Cavalry.A nativeof Massachusetts, Greely enlisted in a Volunteer unit with the out-break of the Civil War.He served with distinction, rising from privateto brevet major.After the war, he was appointed second lieutenantof the 36th Infantry, and in 1873 was promoted to first lieutenantin the 5th Cavalry.In 1881, Greely was placed in command of anexpedition to construct a polar scientific station in Greenland, partof an international chain of thirteen circumpolar stations in whichthe United States participated.The expedition landed in 1881, butby late 1883, no supply ship had arrived.By the time the expeditionwas rescued in mid-1884, only six had survived.In 1886, Greelywas promoted to captain, and the following year was jumped fourgrades to brigadier general and chief signal officer, the first UnionArmy private to be appointed general.He headed the U.S.WeatherService until it was transferred to the Department of Agriculturein 1891, and remained chief signal officer until 1906.He retired in1908.Greely was a founder and trustee of the National GeographicSociety.On his ninety-first birthday, he was awarded the Medal ofHonor, by special act of Congress, for his heroic leadership of theArctic expedition.See also LOCKWOOD, James Booth.(Johnsonand Malone, 21:352 55)GREEN, Frank, probably refers to Francis Vinton Greene, whoentered West Point in 1866, and upon graduation was posted to the4th Artillery as a second lieutenant.He transferred to the Engineersin 1872, was promoted to first lieutenant in 1874, and captain in1883.He resigned in 1886, but reentered the army as a colonel of Vol- 460 APPENDIXunteers in the Spanish-American War.He was honorably dischargedas a major general of Volunteers in 1899.(Heitman, 1:474 75)GREGORY, James Fingal (d.1897), of New York, was engineerofficer of General Sheridan s staff at the time of Bourke s writing.Heentered West Point in 1861, and upon graduation was commissionedsecond lieutenant of the 5th Artillery.In 1866, he transferred to theEngineers, with promotion to first lieutenant.He became captainin 1874, and served as lieutenant colonel/aide-de-camp to Sheridanfrom 1881 to 1885.He held the active rank of major in the Engineersat the time of his death.(Heitman, 1:477)GRIMES, Edward B.(d.1883), entered the army as a captainand assistant quartermaster of Volunteers in 1862.He served withdistinction in the Civil War, and was breveted to major.After thewar, he was commissioned captain and assistant quartermaster ofthe Regular Army.He was a major at the time of his death.(Heit-man, 1:480)GUTHRIE, John Brandon (d.1900), of Ohio, enlisted in the Vol-unteers in 1861, and was commissioned second lieutenant in 1862.He was mustered out in 1864.Two years later, he was commissionedsecond lieutenant of the 13th Infantry, and was promoted to firstlieutenant in 1871 and to captain in 1882.He was a major at thetime of his death.(Heitman, 1:484)GWYN, Thomas P., possibly refers to Thomas Page Gwynne (d.1861), of Virginia, who was at West Point from 1813 to 1818.In1820, he was appointed second lieutenant of the 1st Infantry, andworked his way up through the grades, becoming major of the 6thInfantry in 1847.He held the same rank in the 5th Infantry at thetime of his death.(Heitman, 1:485)HAINES, General, probably refers to Thomas Jefferson Haines(d.1883) of New Hampshire, who entered West Point in 1845.Heserved with distinction in the Civil War, and was honorably musteredout as major of the commissary service, with a brevet to brigadiergeneral.(Heitman, 1:486)HAMILTON, John Morrison (1839 98), native of Ontario, enlistedas a Volunteer in New York in 1861.He attained the rank of firstlieutenant with a brevet to captain during the Civil War.In 1867,he was commissioned as captain of the 39th Infantry in 1867.In1870, he was assigned to the 5th Cavalry, and was posted to CampMcDowell, Arizona, in January 1872 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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