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.Always keep your chin up.141 When a Man Makes Love to a Woman_________________________________________________________________________________________Lock your torso as you squat down (do not bend over or let yourheels lift off the floor).Do not arch your back too much.Squats can be very difficult at first.Take it slow the first week.Works thighs, butt, back, hamstrings, lower leg and shoulders.Leg Press  (alternative to squats) Use slightly wider than shoul-der width stance, with toes pointing slightly outward.Your kneesshould always point in the direction of your toes (avoids injuringthe knees, never let your knees bend inward out of line of yourtoes).Lower weight as low as possible without your tailbone, orlower back, lifting off the seat.Avoid lower back injury, never letyour lower back lift off the seat.Calf Raises  Hold on to something stationary without pulling orcheating.Stand up on your toes moving up and down smoothly.Squeeze at the top of each movement.Do not use weights.Do asmany reps as you can, up into the 100 s if you can do it.Works lower leg.Leg Curl Machine  Do not swing the weight.Curl the weight asfar as possible to your butt.Let down smoothly.Works hamstrings.142 Beginner WorkoutSchedule: 3 days a week(Choose one)1.Monday, Wednesday, Friday or Saturday2.Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday or SundayFirst DayWarm up on a stationary bike or treadmill for 3-5 min.at afast to moderate pace.Perform one set of each exercise with verylight weight.15-20 reps.Do not try to over do it or try to getsore.1.Bench Press2.Lat pull down3.Upright rows4.Squats or leg press5.Leg Curl6.Calf raises  as many as possibleSecond and Third DayWarm up on a stationary bike or treadmill for 3-5 min.at a Beginner Workout_________________________________________________________________________________________fast to moderate pace.Perform one set of each exercise to failure with a weight you canrep out at least ten times.If you perform over 15 reps, addweight, 5 or 10 lbs.on the third day.1.Bench Press2.Lat pull down3.Upright rows4.Squats or leg press5.Leg Curl6.Calf raises  as many as possible.Next Eight WeeksChoose the body part you think needs the most shapingand do the exercises in that order.For instance, if you think yourlegs need the most work, start with squats.Perform 2 sets of each exercise to failure.If you can doover 15 reps of any exercise, add weight.After eight weeks, take one week off, yet stay active withwalking, jogging or any another sport, then continue with the in-termediate workout.144 Intermediate WorkoutSchedule  4 days a week.Ex.Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday.Skip Wednes-day, Saturday, Sunday.Warm up on a stationary bike or treadmill for 3-5 min.at afast to moderate pace.Perform three sets of each exerciseto failure.If you perform over 15 reps, add weight, 5 or 10lbs.Monday and Thursday  Lower BodySquats1st set - 10 reps with a weight you could perform at least20 reps with.2nd and 3rd set to failure.Leg press  (after squats, not as an alternative) Three setsof 8-12 to failure.Leg Curl - Three sets of 8-12 to failure.Calf Raises - Two sets to failure.No weights.If you canpush out over 150 reps then add weight. Intermediate Workout_________________________________________________________________________________________Tuesdays and Fridays  Upper BodyStart with the body part that needs most improvement.ChestBench Press  1 set of 10 with a weight you can rep out at least20 times.3 sets of 8-12 reps to failure.You may have to pull 5 or 10 lbs.after each set so you can get at least 8 reps.Incline Dumbbell press  2 sets of 8-12 reps to failure.ShouldersUpright Rows  Cable or Barbell.3 sets of 8-12 reps to failure.Overhead Press (military press)  Dumbbells, Machine or Bar-bell.3 sets of 8-12 reps to failure.BackCable Pulldowns - 2 sets of 8-12 reps to failure.Low Cable Pulls - 2 sets of 8-12 reps to failure.ArmsStanding Barbell Curls - 3 sets of 8-12 reps to failure.Incline Dumbbell Curls - 3 sets of 8-12 reps to failure.Standing Overhead Tricep Extension with one Dumb-bell(French press) - 3 sets of 8-12 reps to failure.146 Advanced WorkoutWarning: Do not attempt this workout unless you have com-pleted 4 weeks of the Intermediate workout.This is a bodybuild-ing type routine and serious injuries may occur if you are not in-shape.Schedule  4 days a week.Ex.Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday.Skip Wednes-day, Saturday, Sunday.Warm up on a stationary bike or treadmill for 3-5 min.at afast to moderate paceMondays and Thursday  Lower BodySquatsWarm-up-1st and 2nd set - 10 reps with a weight you could perform atleast 50 reps with.-3rd set - 10 reps with a weight you could perform at least 20 repswith.-4th set  6 reps with a weight you could perform at least 10 repswith.Working sets (unless you feel like puking or passing out, you Advanced Workout_________________________________________________________________________________________are not working hard enough.You may taste a hint of ammonia inyour mouth right before you feel like passing out.)1st CycleComplete as many reps as possible with 90% of your 1RM to fail-ure then immediately do negatives to failure.Without rest, stripoff 50% of the weight and continue to failure, immediately donegatives to failure.2nd Cycle  repeat 1st cycle.Example: This is my actual advanced squat routine.4 Warm-up sets2 sets x 135 lbs x 10 reps1 x 225 x 101 x 275 x 6Working Sets - After I am warmed up, I do two cycles for myworking sets.(I don t like squatting over 315 lbs., so I do lessthan 90% of my max but with higher reps.My reps will vary de-pending on how I feel.I believe squats depend more on your atti-tude than your strength.)Cycle 1  1 x 315 x 10-15 with negatives.Cycle 2  1 x 315 x 6  12 with negatives.Leg Press2 sets of 8-12 to failureStiff legged dead-lift with dumbbells(Hamstrings and Lower Back)Warm-up2 sets of 10-12 with medium/heavy weight148 Advanced Workout_________________________________________________________________________________________Working set1 set of 8  12 with heavy weight to failureLeg Extension(If you work hard enough you should not be able to walk normalafter completing this exercise.You will need an assistant with thenegatives.)1 set of 8-12 to failure with negatives.Without rest, strip off 50% of weight and continue to failure withmore negatives.(If you are still able to walk normal, repeat thecycle after resting for 3 minutes.)Leg Curl2 sets of 8-12 to failure with negatives.Without rest, strip off 50% of weight and continue to failure withmore negatives.(If you are still able to walk normal, repeat thecycle after resting for 3 minutes.)Standing Calf Raises1 or 2 sets, minimum of 50 reps.(You may not need any weight [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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