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.ÿþand the German-Speaking Peoples of Colonial British America,  in Bailyn and Morgan, eds., Strangerswithin the Realm, 220 83; Morton, Colonial Virginia, 2:542 51.81.Ulysses P.Joyner Jr., The First Settlers of Orange County, Virginia: A View of the Life and Times of the Euro-pean Settlers of Orange County, Virginia, and Their Influence upon the Young James Madison, 1700 1776 (Baltimore,Md., 1995), 79 85; Morton, Colonial Virginia, 2:444 46.82.Klaus Wust, The Virginia Germans (Charlottesville, Va., 1969), 17 89.83.Ibid.84.Henry Melchior Muhlenberg, The Journals of Henry Melchior Muhlenberg, trans.Theodore G.Tap-pert and JohnW.Doberstein, 3 vols.(Philadelphia,1942 85),1:223; Wust, Virginia Germans, 44; Roeber,  The Dutch-Speaking and German-Speaking Peoples,  253.85.H.M.Muhlenberg, Journals, 1:699.86.Ibid., 1:472, 673, 699, 2:318, 357 58, 379 80, 451, 466, 514 15; Henry Muhlenberg to the Bishopof London, 18 February 1772, Fulham Papers, 26:146 47.For a vivid account of Peter s early life,see Paul A.W.Wallace, The Muhlenbergs of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, 1950), 56 73.Also of interest areEdward W.Hocker, The Fighting Parson of the American Revolution: A Biography of General Peter Muhlenberg,Lutheran Clergyman, Military Chieftain and Political Leader (Philadelphia, 1936), 19 20, 24 27, 28; and Wust,Virginia Germans, 76 81.For Henry Melchior Muhlenberg, see Leonard R.Riforgiato, Missionary ofModeration: Henry Melchior Muhlenberg and the Lutheran Church in English America (Lewisburg, Pa., 1980); andWilliam J.Mann, Life and Times of Henry Melchior Muhlenberg (Philadelphia, 1888).87.H.M.Muhlenberg, Journals, 1:533, 2:375; Wust, Virginia Germans, 48.In 1764 Muhlenberg re-corded the reactions of a couple returning to Pennsylvania after failing as settlers in the Virginiabackcountry:   Good gracious! The people in that province live like animals, like cows and oxen.They have no schools and no German churches.  Ibid., 2:100.88.Jacob Duché to the Bishop of London, 1 February 1772, Fulham Papers, 26:145; Mann, Life ofMuhlenberg, 426 27.89.Wallace, Muhlenbergs, 79.90.Beckford Parish Vestry Minutes, 22 November1771, Fulham Papers, 26:135; James Wood to theReverend Mr.Richard Peters, 27 November 1771, ibid., 26:137; Henry Muhlenberg to the Bishop ofLondon,18 February1772, ibid., 26:146 47; ibid., 34:288, 38:23a, 72a; Brydon, 2:93 98,114n; Muhlen-berg, Journals, 2:514 15; Hocker, Fighting Parson, 31, 37, 44 48; Wust, Virginia Germans, 74 81.91.Wallace, Muhlenbergs, 109 14; Hocker, Fighting Parson, 52 54, 59; Wust, Virginia Germans, 74 81;Brydon, 2:93 98.92.Wallace, Muhlenbergs, 116 250.93.On 15 November 1782, Henry Melchior Muhlenberg noted in his journal that he had writtena   full sheet  to Peter admonishing him   to repentance and conversion.  This and other entrieshint at Peter Muhlenberg s experiencing a crisis of faith.This may help account for Peter s decisionnot to continue in the ministry.Muhlenberg, Journals, 3:514.See also entry for 25 June 1784 in ibid.,3:599.94.Wallace, Muhlenbergs, 251 307; Hocker, Fighting Parson, 123 33, 138, 146, 153, 155, 162, 164, 173.95.James Blair to the Bishop of London, 14 February 1742, Fulham Papers, 12:303 4.96.Alumni Oxon B, 4:1394; VCA, 8:59, 20:70 71; VMHB, 21 (1913): 199; Weis, 48; Torrence, VirginiaWills, 396.97.Alumni Oxon B, 4:1401; VMHB 21 (1913); C.G.Chamberlayne, ed., The Vestry Book of Blisland (Bliss-land) Parish, New Kent and James City Counties, Virginia, 1721 1786 (Richmond, Va., 1935), 12 August 1730,41 and passim; Fulham Papers, 42:14, 33; Weis, 50.98.WMQ 1st ser., 14 (1906): 176; ibid.20 (1912): 213 14, 21 (1913): 198; Fulham Papers, 12:136 38,163 65, 219 20, 42:9a, 33a; St.George s Parish Vestry Minutes, 11 March 1729, 9; 3 October 1732, 28.99.Va.Gaz.(Purdie and Dixon), 17 November 1768; ibid.(Rind), 27 January 1774; WMQ 1st ser., 3(1895): 275; Weis, 39 40; Fulham Papers, 24:121.100.WMQ 1st ser., 5 (1897): 271; ibid.7 (1898): 17.101.Meade, 1:470.102.The Clergy of Connecticut to the Bishop of London, 13 September 1750, Fulham Papers,21:28; SPG Minutes, 17 February 1748/49, 5:171.For Camp, see Otto Lohrenz,   The Reverend Icha-.378 notes to pages 100 104 [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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