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.33; E134| Four intersecting Globes, & the Egg form'd World of LosM34.34; E134| In midst; stretching from Zenith to Nadir, in midst of Chaos.M34.35; E134| One of these Ruind Universes is to the North named UrthonaM34.36; E134| One to the South this was the glorious World of UrizenM34.37; E134| One to the East, of Luvah: One to the West; of Tharmas.M34.38; E134| But when Luvah assumed the World of Urizen in the SouthM34.39; E134| All fell towards the Center sinking downward in dire RuinM34.40; E134| Here in these Chaoses the Sons of Ololon took their abodeM34.41; E134| In Chasms of the Mundane Shell which open on all sides roundM34.42; E134| Southward & by the East within the Breach of Miltons descentM34.43; E134| To watch the time, pitying & gentle to awaken UrizenM34.44; E134| They stood in a dark land of death of fiery corroding watersM34.45; E134| Where lie in evil death the Four Immortals pale and coldM34.46; E134| And the Eternal Man even Albion upon the Rock of Ages[.]M34.47; E134| Seeing Miltons Shadow, some Daughters of Beulah tremblingM34.48; E134| Returnd, but Ololon remaind before the Gates of the DeadM34.49; E134| And Ololon looked down into the Heavens of Ulro in fearM34.50; E134| They said.How are the Wars of Man which in Great EternityM34.51; E135| Appear around, in the External Spheres of Visionary LifeM34.52; E135| Here renderd Deadly within the Life & Interior VisionM34.53; E135| How are the Beasts & Birds & Fishes, & Plants & MineralsM34.54; E135| Here fixd into a frozen bulk subject to decay & death[?]M34.55; E135| Those Visions of Human Life & Shadows of Wisdom & Knowledge M35.1; E135| Are here frozen to unexpansive deadly destroying terrors[.]M35.2; E135| And War & Hunting: the Two Fountains of the River of LifeM35.3; E135| Are become Fountains of bitter Death & of corroding HellM35.4; E135| Till Brotherhood is changd into a Curse & a FlatteryM35.5; E135| By Differences between Ideas, that Ideas themselves, (which areM35.6; E135| The Divine Members) may be slain in offerings for sinM35.7; E135| O dreadful Loom of Death! O piteous Female forms compelldM35.8; E135| To weave the Woof of Death, On Camberwell Tirzahs CourtsM35.9; E135| Malahs on Blackheath, Rahab & Noah.dwell on Windsors heightsM35.10; E135| Where once the Cherubs of Jerusalem spread to Lambeths ValeM35.11; E135| Milcahs Pillars shine from Harrow to Hampstead where HoglahM35.12; E135| On Highgates heights magnificent Weaves overtrembling ThamesM35.13; E135| To Shooters Hill and thence to Blackheath the dark Woof! LoudM35.14; E135| Loud roll the Weights & Spindles over the whole Earth let downM35.15; E135| On all sides round to the Four Quarters of the World, eastward onM35.16; E135| Europe to Euphrates & Hindu, to Nile & back in CloudsM35.17; E135| Of Death across the Atlantic to America North & SouthM35.18; E135| So spake Ololon in reminiscence astonishd, but theyM35.19; E135| Could not behold Golgonooza without passing the PolypusM35.20; E135| A wondrous journey not passable by Immortal feet, & noneM35.21; E135| But the Divine Saviour can pass it without annihilation.M35.22; E135| For Golgonooza cannot be seen till having passd the PolypusM35.23; E135| It is viewed on all sides round by a Four-fold VisionM35.24; E135| Or till you become Mortal & Vegetable in SexualityM35.25; E135| Then you behold its mighty Spires & Domes of ivory & goldM35.26; E135| And Ololon examined all the Couches of the Dead.M35.27; E135| Even of Los & Enitharmon & all the Sons of AlbionM35.28; E135| And his Four Zoas terrified & on the verge of DeathM35.29; E135| In midst of these was Miltons Couch, & when they saw EightM35.30; E135| Immortal Starry-Ones, guarding the Couch in flaming firesM35.31; E135| They thunderous utterd all a universal groan falling downM35.32; E135| Prostrate before the Starry Eight asking with tears forgivenessM35.33; E135| Confessing their crime with humiliation and sorrow.M35.34; E135| O how the Starry Eight rejoic'd to see Ololon descended!M35.35; E135| And now that a wide road was open to Eternity,M35.36; E135| By Ololons descent thro Beulah to Los & Enitharmon,M35.37; E135| For mighty were the multitudes of Ololon, vast the extentM35.38; E135| Of their great sway, reaching from Ulro to Eternity M35.39; E136| Surrounding the Mundane Shell outside in its CavernsM35.40; E136| And through Beulah.and all silent forbore to contendM35.41; E136| With Ololon for they saw the Lord in the Clouds of OlolonM35 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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