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.The Bene Gesserit delegation greeted fresh-faced Reverend Mother Anirul, theEmpress-to-be, as she passed the group, accompanied by a large honor guard andgarishly dressed ladies-in-waiting.Rhombur searched for the stunning blondewoman who'd given him the mysterious message cube, and found her sitting withHasimir Fenring instead of with the other Sisters.An air of expectation filled the high-ceilinged, tiered facility.Finally, ahush fell over the Grand Theatre, and everyone stood respectfully, holding theirhats and caps.Crown Prince Shaddam, attired in a formal Sardaukar commander's uniform withsilver epaulets and the Golden Lion crest of House Corrino, marched down theaisle on a carpet of velvet and damask.His red hair was pomaded with glitter.Members of his royal Court followed him, all of them wearing scarlet and gold.Bringing up the rear was the green-robed High Priest of Dur, who had bytradition crowned every Emperor since the fall of the thinking machines.Despite the varying fortunes of his ancient religion, the High Priest proudlysprinkled the iron-red holy dust of Dur right and left onto the audience. Seeing Shaddam's stately pace and how smartly uniformed he was, Leto recalledwhen the Crown Prince had marched up another aisle only days earlier to testifyon his behalf.In a way, it seemed to him that his royal cousin had looked evenmore regal then, swathed in the fine silks and jewels of an Emperor.Now helooked more like a soldier -- the commander in chief of all Imperial forces."An obvious political move," Hawat said, leaning over to mutter in his ear."Doyou notice? Shaddam is letting the Sardaukar know that their new Emperorconsiders himself a member of their organization, that they are important to hisreign."Leto nodded, understanding this practice well.Like his father before him, theyoung Duke fraternized with his men, dining with them and joining them ineveryday functions to show that he would never ask his troops to do what hewouldn't do himself."Looks to me like more show than substance," Rhombur said."In ruling a vast empire, there's a place for show," Kailea said.With a pang,Leto recalled the Old Duke's penchant for bullfights and other spectacles.Shaddam reveled in the grandeur, bathed himself in glory.He bowed as hestrutted past his future wife and the Bene Gesserit contingent.His coronationwould come first.At the designated place, Shaddam came to a stop and turned toface the High Priest of Dur, who now held the glittering Imperial crown on agilded pillow.Behind the Crown Prince, a wide curtain opened to reveal the royal dais, whichhad been moved here.The massive Imperial throne, empty now, had been carvedfrom a single piece of blue-green quartz -- the largest such gem ever found,dating back to the days of Emperor Hassik III.Hidden projectors shot fine-tuned lasers into the depths of the block of crystal, refracting a nova ofrainbows.The audience gasped at the translucent beauty of the throne.Indeed, there is a place for ceremony in the daily workings of the Imperium,Leto thought.It has a unifying influence, making people feel they belong tosomething significant.Such ceremonies cemented the impression that Humanity, not Chaos, reigned overthe universe.Even a self-serving Emperor like Shaddam could do some good, Letofelt.and fervently hoped.Solemnly, the Crown Prince climbed the steps of the royal dais and seatedhimself on the throne, staring fixedly ahead.Following time-honored procedure,the High Priest moved behind him and raised the jeweled crown high in the air."Do you, Crown Prince Shaddam Raphael Corrino IV, swear fidelity to the HolyEmpire?"The priest's voice carried throughout the theatre, over speakers of such highquality that everyone in the audience heard completely natural, undistortedsounds.The same words were transmitted around the planet of Kaitain, and wouldbe spread throughout the Imperium."I do," Shaddam said, his voice booming. The High Priest lowered the symbol of office onto the seated man's brow, and tothe gathered dignitaries he said, "I give you the new Padishah Emperor ShaddamIV, may his reign shine as long as the stars!""May his reign shine as long as the stars!" the audience intoned in athunderous response.When Shaddam rose from the throne with the glittering crown on his head, he didso as Emperor of the Known Universe.Thousands inside the chamber applauded andcheered him.He looked across the audience that was a microcosm of everythinghe ruled, and his gaze came to rest on doe-eyed Anirul, who had moved to standjust below the dais with her honor guard and ladies-in-waiting.The Emperorextended a hand, beckoning her.Harishka, Mother Superior of the Bene Gesserit, guided Anirul to Shaddam's side.The magnificent women moved with the faultless glide-walk of the Sisterhood, asif Shaddam were a magnet drawing them into his presence.Then ancient Harishkareturned to her seat with the other Bene Gesserit.The priest said words over the couple, while the new Emperor slipped two diamondrings onto the marriage finger of Anirul's hand, followed by a breathtaking redsoostone band that had belonged to his paternal grandmother.When they were pronounced Emperor and Lady, the High Priest of Dur presentedthem to the assemblage.In the audience, Hasimir Fenring leaned over andwhispered to Margot, "Shall we step forward and see if the High Priest cansqueeze in another quick ceremony?"She giggled, nudged him playfully.THAT EVENING, HEDONISM in the capital city reached a fever pitch of adrenaline,pheromones, and music.The royal couple attended a sumptuous dinner banquetfollowed by a grand ball and then by a magnificent culinary orgy that made theearlier meal appear to have been no more than an appetizer.As the newlywedsdeparted for the Imperial Palace, they were showered with merh-silk roses andchased by the nobles.Finally Emperor Shaddam IV and Lady Anirul retired to their marriage bed.Outside their room drunken noblemen and ladies rang crystal bells and floatedbright glowglobes at the windows -- the traditional shivaree that would bringblessings of fertility upon the union.These festivities continued much as they had for millennia, going back to pre-Butlerian days, to the very roots of the Imperium.More than a thousandexpensive gifts were arrayed on the lawn of the Palace.These offerings wouldbe gathered by Imperial servants and distributed later to the populace, inconjunction with an additional week of festivities on Kaitain.After all the celebrations were complete, Shaddam would finally be able to getdown to the business of ruling his Empire of a Million Worlds. In the final analysis, the legendary event called Leto's Gambit became the basisof the young Duke Atreides's immense popularity.He successfully projectedhimself as a shining beacon of honor in a galactic sea of darkness.To manymembers of the Landsraad, Leto's honesty and naivete became a symbol of honorthat shamed many of the Great and Minor Houses to alter their behavior towardeach other.for a short time, at least, until familiar old patternsreemerged.-Origins of House Atreides: Seeds of the Future in the Galactic Imperium, byBronso of IxFurious that his plot had failed, Baron Harkonnen raged up and down the halls ofhis family Keep on Giedi Prime [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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