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.Only a minorityof people will enjoy this occasion.In thissite, you will find all the interesting factsabout Jesus' return to Earth.www.jesuswillreturn.come-mail: info@jesuswillreturn.comThe well-known work of HarunYahya is now on the Internet!Harun Yahya's The Evolution Deceit,which has been translated into 6 lan-guages so far, is now available on theInternet with additional updates.You willfind all the deadlocks of the theory ofevolution on this site.www.evolutiondeceit.come-mail: info@evolutiondeceit.comStriking examples from the livesof the past nationsThis site explores some nations whichwere destroyed due to their rebellionagainst Allah and their denial of HisProphets.The purpose of the site is toreveal the manifestations of theQur'anic verses which give an ac-count of these events and prove oncemore that the Qur'an is the word ofAllah.Besides, it is also intended thatall these incidents, each of which is an"example to their own time", canserve as a "warning".www.perishednations.come-mail: info@perishednations.com152You will read all the details about the creationof the universe in this siteToday, science shows that the universe was createdwith a Big Bang from nothing in a single moment.Youwill read everything you would like to know about theperfect creation of the universe in this site.Besides,you can also find in this site the stages that took placefrom the Big Bang until our day, illustrated by strikingphotographs.www.creationofuniverse.come-mail: info@creationofuniverse.comAn Invitation to Peace Through Interfaith DialogueIn this site, Jews, Christians and Muslims are called tojoin in the light of common objectives to wage a jointstruggle against atheism, social and moral degenera-tion, and to spread good morals throughout the world.This call is to all the sincere, scrupulous, benevolent,agreeable, decent, pacifist, and just Jews, Christiansand Muslims.www.unionoffaiths.come-mail: info@unionoffaiths.comA blessed time when the morality of the Qur an willcome to prevail.The end times refer to a period very close to the Day ofJudgment, when the morality of the Qur'an will come toprevail and people all over the world will come to live byit.When we compare what is happening today with thesigns of the end times we can see a great many indica-tions that we are currently living in the end times andthat also give the good news of the approach of theGolden Age.The aim of this site is to encourage peopleto think about this aspect of the end times, and to sharethat joy and excitement with one another.www.endoftimes.nete-mail: info@endoftimes.netKids; what would you like to see in a site that belongstotally to you? Would you be interested in finding outthe secrets of the depths of endless space or readingabout the sea creatures that produce light to scare offtheir enemies? Maybe you would like to understandhow it is that our hearts never tire and go on beatingfor years.Or through this site you might like to realisethe power of God Who created you, your mother, yourfather, your friends, everyone, all the animals, all livingthings, the Earth, the Sun, the Moon and the entireUniverse.www.for-children.come-mail: info@for-children.com
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