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.Pingowanym węzłem jest199.245.180.9.Listingi 6.30 i 6.31 przedstawiają szczegółowy widok pakietów ICMPżądania echa i odpowiedzi na echo.Pakiet ICMP jest obudowany pakietem IP.Pole nagłówka IP Protocolzawiera wartość 1, co oznacza że nagłówek IP obudowuje komunikatICMP.FRAME: Base frame propertiesFRAME: Time of capture = May 9, 1998 18:58:9.480FRAME: Time delta from previous physical frame: 243 millisecondsFRAME: Frame number: 2FRAME: Total frame length: 74 bytesFRAME: Capture frame length: 74 bytesFRAME: Frame data: Number of data bytes remaining = 74 (0x004A)ETHERNET: ETYPE = 0x0800 : Protocol = IP: DOD Internet ProtocolETHERNET: Destination address : 00A024ABD1E6ETHERNET:.0 = Individual addressETHERNET:.= Universally administered addressETHERNET: Source address : 0000C07A2D5CETHERNET:.0 = No routing information presentETHERNET:.= Universally administered addressETHERNET: Frame Length : 74 (0x004A)ETHERNET: Ethernet Type : 0x0800 (IP: DOD Internet Protocol)ETHERNET: Ethernet Data: Number of data bytes remaining = 60 (0x003C)IP: ID = 0x4600; Proto = ICMP; Len: 60IP: Version = 4 (0x4)IP: Header Length = 20 (0x14)IP: Service Type = 0 (0x0)IP: Precedence = RoutineIP:.= Normal DelayIP:.= Normal ThroughputIP:.= Normal ReliabilityIP: Total Length = 60 (0x3C)IP: Identification = 17920 (0x4600)IP: Flags Summary = 0 (0x0)IP:.0 = Last fragment in datagramIP:.= May fragment datagram if necessaryIP: Fragment Offset = 0 (0x0) bytesIP: Time to Live = 32 (0x20) Zledzenie protokołu TCP/IP207IP: Protocol = ICMP - Internet Control MessageIP: Checksum = 0x5CCBIP: Source Address = Destination Address = Data: Number of data bytes remaining = 40 (0x0028)ICMP: Echo, From To Packet Type = EchoICMP: Checksum = 0x4B5CICMP: Identifier = 256 (0x100)ICMP: Sequence Number = 256 (0x100)ICMP: Data: Number of data bytes remaining = 32 (0x0020)00000: 00 A0 24 AB D1 E6 00 00 C0 7A 2D 5C 08 00 45 00.$.z-\.E.00010: 00 3C 46 00 00 00 20 01 5C CB C7 F5 B4 01 C7 F5 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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