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.See Destination Validation Dialog on page 2-14.Job WindowYou can view the different pages of job information by selecting the page tabs inthe Job window.The pages in the Job window are:Active JobsJob HistoryJob LibraryYou can switch between the pages by clicking the tab of each page.The rows inboth pages can be sorted on any column by clicking the column heading.The Job window can be hidden or shown by selecting Job in the Console Viewmenu.You can also hide or show the window by clicking the Job system icon in theConsole toolbar.See Figure 4 1,  Job Window in the Console for an illustration of the JobScheduling window.4-4 Oracle Enterprise Manager Administrator s Guide Job WindowFigure 4 1 Job Window in the ConsoleActive JobsThe Active Jobs page contains a summary of the active jobs on the network.Theseare jobs that you have submitted to the job system and are not yet completed.Eachrow is an execution of a particular job scheduled on a specific destination.While ajob may execute multiple times, the job listed in the Active Jobs page is the one thatis currently scheduled or running.You can use the Show Details menu option todisplay the details of the selected job.You cannot modify these jobs.You can double-click on a job listed in the Active Jobs page to view the job details.Job type is determined by an icon at the left of each row.A database icon signifies a database.A computer icon signifies a node.An ear icon signifies a listener.Job Name is the name of the job.Job Scheduling 4-5 Job WindowStatus of job is one of the following:Submitted: The job has been submitted to the agent at the job destination.Scheduled: The job has been successfully delivered to the agent and isscheduled for execution.Started: The job execution has started.After the job executes, the jobexecution is listed in the Job History page.If this is the last scheduledexecution of the job, the job is removed from the Active Jobs page.Otherwise, the job remains in the Active Jobs page and has the status ofScheduled.Pending Deletion: The job has been selected for deletion.When thedeletion is successful, the job is removed from the Active Jobs page andadded to the Job History page.Fixit: The fixit job has been submitted.Fixing: The fixit job is executing.A fixit job remains in the Active Jobs pageuntil it is deleted.When.This is the time the agent returns after the job has been scheduled by theagent.Note that a fixit job cannot be scheduled and displays "On eventoccurrence" for this field.Destination of the job.Job HistoryJob History contains a list of previous job executions.These are jobs that have beensubmitted to an agent and have executed successfully or unsuccessfully.This pagealso lists deleted jobs.You cannot modify these jobs.Job type is determined by an icon at the left of each row.These icons are thesame as the Active Jobs page.See Active Jobs on page 4-5.Job Name is the name of the job.Destination of the job.Status of job is one of the following:Completed: The job has executed successfully.Failed: The job execution has failed.Deleted: The job has been deleted.For the other status categories, see Active Jobs on page 4-5.4-6 Oracle Enterprise Manager Administrator s Guide Job WindowExecution Start Time is the time when the job started or was deleted.Becausethe order of agent notifications may vary, it is possible that the Console receivesa completed or failed notification before a running notification.If this happens,the start time displays Unknown.Execution End Time is the time when the job finished, failed, or was deleted.You can double-click on a job listed in the Job History page to display the Jobproperty sheet and view the Job Output dialog box, if output exists for the job.If nooutput is produced by a job, a message displays that states that there is no outputfor the job.If the output includes only blank spaces, the dialog box is blank.Saving Job HistoryYou can save the jobs from the Job History page to a text file, then clear the jobsfrom the Job History window.This prevents the Job History page from beingoverloaded with obsolete jobs that occurred in previous days.Job LibraryJob Library contains a list of the jobs that you have created and saved [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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