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.Myparents wanted me to wo-work withthem, and I couldn t.I graduated schooland immediately enlisted in theMarines. Were they hurt? He sighed. A bit.They thought Iwould get killed.Which, I almost did.Ember didn t like to hear him talklike that.Her stomach turned at thethought of him never coming home.Hewas such a strong, vital force that shejust couldn t imagine it. Did they gloat?His eyes flickered. Not exactly.I got the whole  if youhad stayed on the farm thing. Heshrugged. I went home for a while afterI got out of the hospital be-be-because Istill had a lot of rehab to do.But I was r-restless.A friend told me about LNF andI sent them a resume.I didn t know anyof the guys while I was in the Marines, but I was in the same Company Chad andDuncan had left.Duncan c-called for meto come for an& in-interview and theywelcomed me in like I d always beenwith them. Wow. That was so impressive. I was a m-m-mess when I started.But they still saw something in me andhired me. He shrugged and made a face. They let me off when I need to go in forp-p-procedures, or rehab.If I need tohave surgery they give me w-work I cando in the hospital and home if I feel up toit.I don t know if any other job wouldbe so understanding as LNF.Ember s stomach felt off. Do you have more surgeries comingup? He shrugged his shoulders andlooked at his boots. Reconstr-r-ructivestuff.I have a few more to go.It was obviously not something hewanted to talk about, so she shiftedtopic. What are you doing forChristmas?He looked up to scan her face. Nothing really.I m supposed to go to J-john and Shannon s house at some point.He s one of the partners and Shannon isour o-o-office manager.Ember chewed the inside of her lip. Well, you re welcome to come overhere too.We re going to be openingpresents and my dad may come over atsome point.Frog Dog is open a half day tomorrow, then closed on Christmas.His face warmed with a smile. Iappreciate the invitation.I don t want tobe a pest. Oh, please, she snorted. I lovehaving you here.For a long moment, he didn t sayanything, but the feeling in the roomchanged. I love being here.Ember stepped into the spacebetween his spread feet and leaned upfor a kiss.Zeke immediately wrappedhis arms around her back to pull her snugagainst him.The arousal that had been simmeringin the air spiked, and Ember s nipplesbecame sensitized.She brushed herbreasts against his chest, wishing their clothes were already gone.She felt Zekeswell into her belly. We have a few hours, right?He nodded against her mouth andslipped his tongue inside.She moaned ashe cupped her head and forced her totake him all in.Ember decided then andthere that he was the best thing she dever tasted.She wondered if he tastedlike that all over.Pulling away shepressed kisses down his scruffy jaw,down his corded neck and to the collarof his T-shirt.Running her hands beneaththe fabric, she pushed it up to hisshoulders.Zeke pulled it over his headand dropped it to the kitchen floor.Ember sighed as she ran her hands over the hard contours of his upperbody.She already knew he worked out alot, and it was very evident in the wayhis muscles were cut.Dirty blond haircovered his chest and darkened in thecleft between his pecs.A narrow trailcut through the center of his abs, and shedesperately wanted to explore.The kitchen wasn t necessarily thebest place to do what she wanted to do.She grabbed his hand and backedaway, tugging him through the doorwayand down the hall.She closed herbedroom door behind them and motionedto the bed. Sit down, please.In the dim light from the bedsidelamp, his blue eyes heated and hegrinned as he did what she asked. Ember reached for the zipper underher arm and tugged it down, slowlyrevealing the black teddy she worebeneath.Zeke sucked in a breath as shelet the dress fall to the floor, and hishands curled into the comforter. Youwore that for me?Smiling, she took a step toward him.He immediately cupped her breasts thenran his hands down her sides to her hips.His touch through the satin feltphenomenal, and distracting.Loweringherself to the floor, she wedged herselfbetween his knees and began to unfastenhis belt and jeans.His eyes closed andhe leaned back on his braced arms togive her room to work. Ember had never done this for a manbefore, but she wanted to learn whatmade him yearn for release.He madeher come so easily, she wanted to do thesame for him.When his pants were unfastened, shestood long enough to tug them down hislegs, then went back to her knees toadmire the stretched blue cotton of hisbriefs.Dancing her fingers over hissubstantial length, she tried to be patient,but greed now controlled hermovements.They didn t have very longand she wanted to enjoy him.When she peeled the cotton awayfrom Zeke s penis, it stood straight andproud up from his hips [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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