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."The Second Protocol.CHAPTER 8JEWISH INFLUENCES ON AMERICAN POLITICSWithin the memory of even young men, Tammany Hall has been the synonym of all political trickeryin the vocabulary of popular criticism.Tammany Hall was held up as the worst example of boss rule, political corruption, brute force, that it was possible to find in the world.Its very name became a stigma in the decades before the first world war.But even the most unobservant newspaper reader must have observed the gradual fading out of Tammany Hall from public comment, the cessation of the bitter criticism, the entire absence of headlines bristling with ugly charges, and the calling of the hosts of good citizenship to do battle against the grim bossism that maintained its headquarters in New York.Why the change in recent years? Is it due to the dying out of Tammany Hall as a political force? No, Tammany Hall is still there, as any New York politician will tell you.The Tammany tiger has notchanged its stripes.There was a time when fearless publications told the truth about Tammany, but they have either goneout of existence or have fallen under control of the Jews.There was a time when public bodies likethe Citizens' Union organized to oppose Tammany and to keep a volunteer vigil on its activities; these groups have succumbed to Jewish contributions and officership and no longer stand guard.The outcry against Tammany seemed to be hushed the moment that Tammany patronage fell into the hands of the New York Jews, where it now remains, the Kehillah being the real political center, and Tammany but a distributing station - a sort of "Gentile front" for the more powerful Kehillah.The Judaization of Tammany is now complete, for the Irish element has been overcome by Jewish money.Tammany was one of the strongest political organizations ever seen in the United States.Potent notonly in municipal and state politics, but often exercising a decisive influence on national affairs.It was, without exaggeration, unequalled in any country in the world.If there is one quality that attracts Jews, it is power.Wherever the seat of power may be, thither they swarm obsequiously.As Tammany was power and the gate of power, it was natural that the Jews of the biggest Jewish city in the world should court it.Doubtless, they were also affected by the incongruity of the fact that in the biggest Jewish city, the most solid political power was non-Jewish.When the German Jewish banker, Schoenberg, went to America under the name of August Belmont to represent the interests of the Rothschilds, his keen eye at once took in the situation.He became a member and supporter of Tammany.It was good business for this Jewish banker, because the funds of the Rothschilds were heavily invested in New York transport.The properties of city tractions are, as in all American cities, at the mercy of the local Tammany power, by whatever name it may be known.Belmont eventually attained the coveted eminence of Grand Sachem of the Tammany Society.Belmont-Schoenberg opened the way for the rest of the Jews; the Freedman's, Untermeyer's, Straus's; financiers, lawyers, politicians, business men and union sharks.There soon followed the wholesale appointment of Jews to the judiciary of New York until New York became a political and legal Jewish preserve; and onwards to the Supreme Court where Jewish influence never looked back since the now distant day of the Jewish capture of Tammany Hall.It was necessary for a Jewry that planned to control the judiciary, as well as to provide special protection for certain Jewish enterprises that are near enough to the borderline of the law to merit question, it was necessary to obtain control of the supreme political engine through which favors are disbursed in local politics.The peculiar system of local, state and national government in the United States made it easy for the control of such organizations to be gained by money.The Jew's natural political home seems to be in the Republican Party, for thither he returns after venture elsewhere; but his predefinition for the Republican Party does not move the Jew to make the mistake of being exclusively the partisan of one group.It is better, he knows, to control all groups.Strong as Jewry became in Tammany, it was even stronger in the ranks of the Republican Party, while New York socialism was, and is, completely headed and manned by Jews.This renders it extremely easy for the Jews to swing support in whichever direction they choose, and for Kehillah to fulfill any threat it may make.It also insures that any Jewish candidate on any ticket will be elected.Because of the powerful Irish control of Tammany at the beginning, the Jews worked cautiously.TheKehillah adopted the ancient policy, not of putting forward their own people, but non-Jews who could be useful to Judah [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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