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.ÿþproponents of  academic classicism 205Figure 7.11should be truly a monument. The adornment of the building shouldU.S.custom house,express the  wealth and luxury of the great port of New York. TheNew York, New York,customary architectural motifs of a dome and columnar portico1899 1907, Cass Gilbert.were thought to be inappropriate for such a structure.The interiorCourtesy Nationalwas richly finished with a  noble corridor, an elliptical rotunda,Archives.sculpture, and decorative paintings.The paintings illustrated com-merce through history.At the base of the main facade were fourseated figures, representing America, Europe, Asia, and Africa, the four great continents which contribute to the commerce of theworld. At the cornice were placed figures representing the  greatcommercial nations of the world. 46Other notable Tarsney Act projects included the federal govern-ment building in Indianapolis, the invited competitors for whichwere divided between local firms and the profession at large.Thefirm of Rankin & Kellogg won the competition with a design markedby a long Greek Ionic colonnade along the building s facades (figure7.12).The second success of the firm with a Tarsney Act project ledsome to speculate that the program might foster the growth of a [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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