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.Check that the file exists and has access permissions thatallow Oracle to open and read the file.If possible, check that the file is notcorrupt and the disks on which the file resides are not corrupt.Fix anyproblems and restart the migration utility.Unable to write file nameCause An internal error occurred.Action Check that the correct access permissions exist for Oracle to write to the file.Check that the disks to which the file is being written are not corrupt.Fix anysuch corruption before restarting the migration.V7 catalog space requirement: numCause This is an informational message that informs you how much additional spaceyou need in your SYSTEM tablespace to run themigration utility successfully.Action Be certain that you have the specified amount of additional space beforerunning the migration utility.Migration Utility Errors and Messages D  9 D  10 Oracle7 Server Migration A P P E N D I XOperatingESystem SpecificInformationhis manual occasionally refers to other Oracle documentation thatTcontains detailed information for using Oracle on specific operatingsystems.Such documentation is usually referred to as, operating specific Oracle documentation , although the exact namemay vary among operating systems.This appendix lists all the references in this manual to specificoperating systems and related Oracle documentation.If you areusing Oracle on multiple operating system, this appendix canhelp you ensure that your applications are portable across theseoperating systems.Operating System Specific Information E  1 The following table lists references to operating system specificinformation by topic:Topic PageMigration process independent of operating system 1  3Cached backups supplied by vendors 2  2Shared Global Area and UNIX platforms 2  3Disk Capacity I/O 2  10Using the Oracle Installer 3  3Configuring Databases 3  11Migration Utility 4  6Installing Oracle 4  8Installing Oracle 5  5Upgrading to a New Release 8  3Installing Oracle 8  6Larger Control Files A  34More Data Files A  34MAXEXTENTS A  34ALERT Filename A  35TRACE Files A  36Installation of Supplied Packages B  9E  2 Oracle7 Server Migration IndexALTER SYSTEM DISABLE RESTRICTEDASESSION, upgrading, 8  4accessALTER SYSTEM DISABLE RESTRICTED SES-concurrent, 2  8SION command, downgrading, 8  6resource limit, A  18ALTER TABLE command, syntax, B  8accessing tables, INDEX statement, A  35ALTER TABLESPACE command, syntax, B  8administration enhancementsALTER USER command, QUOTA, 3  14in release 7.0, A  18ALTER_TABLESPACE command, 6  2in release 7.2, C  11American National Standards Institute (ANSI),administrative proceduresintegrity constraint compliance of, A  5develop new, 6  5migrated database and, 6  5 ANALYZE command, A  15managing indexes, 3  16Advanced Replication option, generaldescription of.See replication and ANSI SQL92, FIPS flagger, B  7symmetric replicationANSI/ISO standards, compliance, 3  15ALERT filenames, A  35application developer, role during migration,alerts, PL/SQL, A  6 1  6allocation, context areas, A  15 application registration, C  8ALLOW_OFFLINE applicationsmigration parameter, 4  6 migrating, 7  1, 8  1using, 3  12 testing, 3  11Trusted Oracle7, 7  1ALTER CLUSTER command, syntax, B  8architecture, TWO TASK, 2  8ALTER DATABASE CLEAR command, C  14ARCHIVLOG, 6  2ALTER DATABASE command, syntax, B  8AS clause, space requirements, 3  6ALTER DATABASE CONVERT command,migration utility, 4  3, 4  7 audience for this manual, vALTER DATABASE RESET COMPATIBILITY auditing changes, A  13command, downgrading, 8  6AUTOEXTEND ON command, downgrading,ALTER SESSION command, syntax, B  8 8  13ALTER SNAPSHOT command, B  9ALTER SYSTEM command, A  19Index  1 CHECK_ONLYBmigration parameter, 4  6backupusing option, 4  5after migration, 6  2checkpoint process, A  15before migration, 3  13checksums, recovery, C  3offline, 6  2choose a migration method, 3  3online, 6  2release 7.0 enhancements, A  10 choosing a freelist group for inserts, C  9using step 6, 6  2closing database links, distributed option, A  9batch allocate at insert, C  9CNVFILE, migration parameter, 4  6block size, 2  10, 4  4compatibilitydesktop platforms, 2  10backward in release 7.0, A  32blocks, rollback segments, A  35 backward in release 7.1, B  14backward in release 7.2, C  22bottlenecks, I/O, 2  12SQL in version 6, A  32buffer cacheversion 6, A  32DB_BLOCK_BUFFERS, 2  4COMPATIBLEredo log, 2  4disabling 7.2 features and, 8  6, 8  10disabling release 7.2 features, 8  10enabling release 7.1 features, 8  8Cenabling release 7.2 features, 8  10C structs, Pro*C, C  17release 7.0 backward compatibility, A  32release 7.1 backward compatibility, B  14C++, Pro*C/C++, B  12release 7.2 backward compatibility,calendar utility, NLS, C  8constraints, C  22CASE applications, migrating, 7  9compilation of procedural objects, PL/SQL,CAT70102.SQL, parallel query option, 8  7A  6CAT7202.SQL, 8  3concurrent, access, 2  8CATALOG.SQL, 4  9concurrent users, 2  9migration utility, 4  7configuration utility, NLS, C  7upgrading, 8  4CONNECT command, in 7.0, A  19CATALOG6.SQL, 4  9, A  32CONNECT INTERNAL commandCATEXP6.SQL, migration utility, 4  7downgrading, 8  5CATPARR.SQL, upgrading, 8  4upgrading, 8  3CATPROC.SQLCONNECT privilegePL/SQL, 4  9export/import, 5  3upgrading, 8  4migration utility, 4  5CATREP.SQL, upgrading, 8  4connectionsCATSVRMG.SQL, Server Manager, 8  7local and remote, 2  8CDE.See Cooperative Developmentwith multi_threaded shared server, 2  8Environmentwith SQL*Net, 2  8with TP monitors, 2  8CFILE, migration parameter, 4  6with TWO_TASK architecture, 2  8CHAR datatype, A  22CONSTRAINTprogrammatic interfaces, 7  2move constraint identifier, 3  15SQL scripts, 3  14programmatic interfaces, 7  2character set, migration utility and, 4  2Index  2 Oracle7 Server Migration constraints CREATE USER command, 3  14backward compatibility, C  22 QUOTA, 3  14enabling, A  4creating users, 7 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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