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.But let ruthless struggle first decide the choice of the path.We shall be traitors to and betrayersof the revolution if we do not use this festive energy of the masses and their revolutionaryardour to wage a ruthless and self-sacrificing struggle for the direct and decisive path.Letthe bourgeois opportunists contemplate the future reaction with craven fear.The workerswill not be frightened either by the thought that the reaction promises to be terrible or bythe thought that the bourgeoisie proposes to recoil.The workers are not looking forwardto striking bargains, are not asking for sops; they are striving to crush the reactionaryforces without mercy, i.e., to set up the revolutionary-democratic dictatorship of theproletariat and the peasantry.Of course, greater dangers threaten the ship of our Party in stormy times than in periodsof the smooth "sailing" of liberal progress, which means the painfully slow sweating ofthe working class by its exploiters.of course, the tasks of the revolutionary-democraticdictatorship are a thousand times more difficult and more complicated than the tasks ofan "extreme opposition" or of the exclusively parliamentary struggle.But whoever candeliberately prefer smooth sailing and the path of safe "opposition" in the presentrevolutionary situation had better abandon Social-Democratic work for a while, hadbetter wait until the revolution is over, until the festive days have passed, when humdrumeveryday life starts again and his narrow routine standards no longer strike such anabominably discordant note, or constitute such an ugly distortion of the tasks of theadvanced class.At the head of the whole of the people, and particularly of the peasantry for completefreedom, for a consistent democratic revolution, for a republic! At the head of all thetoilers and the exploited for Socialism! Such must in practice be the policy of therevolutionary proletariat, such is the class slogan which must permeate and determine thesolution of every tactical problem, every practical step of the workers' party during therevolution.Next: EpilogueTwo Tactics of Social-Democracy in the Democratic Revolution Vladimir LeninTwo Tactics of Social-Democracy in the Democratic RevolutionEpilogueOnce Again Osvobozhdeniye Trend,Once Again New Iskra trendNumbers 71-72 of the Osvobozhdeniye and Nos.102-103 of the Iskra provide a wealth ofadditional material on the question to which we have devoted Chapter 8 of our pamphlet.Since it is quite impossible to make use of the whole of this rich material here, we shallconfine ourselves to the most important points only: firstly, to the kind of "realism" inSocial-Democracy that Osvobozhdeniye praises and why the latter must praise it;secondly, to the relationship between the concepts revolution and dictatorship.§ 1: What Do The Bourgeois Liberal Realists Praise The Social-Democratic "Realists"For?§ 2: Comrade Martynov Again Renders the Question "More Profound"§ 3: The Vulgar Bourgeois Representation of Dictatorship and Marx's View of ItTwo Tactics of Social-Democracy in the Democratic Revolution [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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