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.This trick is used for attack or defense.To protect: blocks the opponent's right elbow byraising the left arm, and sways the body to press downsthe right elbow to guard the right rib in order to pressagainst the left knee of the opponentTo counter: throws the straight knee to theopponent's abdomen69 The two of elbowsJumping to attack uses this trick, which issimilar to the trick in CHUEY KANG (Kao Koo)but changed to use the knee or the elbow(Choose one of them) to attack the opponent'sabdomen: This trick is used for attack defenseor escape.To protect: steps back and block theopponent's abdomen, This trick is used forattack defense or escapeTo protect: steps back and blocks theopponent's elbow with the left arm then guardsthe opponent's knee by raising the right arm.To counter: strikes to the opponent's knee orabdomen with the right foot to put off hisbalance then uses other tricks such as, hit bythe straight punch or by the front elbow.Throws the elbow to the backThis elbow trick is used when the opponent attacks and puts his head under the armpit.If putunder the left armpit, step the left foot inside between the opponent feet, sway the body to the leftand press the opponent's head down while striking the knee to the opponent's left knee, so he loseshis balance and bends the head down to the front Then throw the swinging back elbow to theopponent's face while turning back to follow the elbow at the same time.To protect raise the right arm up to cover the face.To counter: use the elbow trick in KWANG SABAD NA (Sok Salad: shakes elbows)If the opponent is put under the left armpit, reverse The descriptions from right to left70 Straight elbowThe boxer uses the left elbow.Bend theleft arm with the tip of the back fistpointed to the right arm while holding onthe right arm which turns to forehand andthe tip of the fist pointed to the back thentwist the body to the right a little.Thenthrow the power of both elbows to theopponent's chin or Adam's apple.This trickis used for defense or escape.To protect: jump away from the distanceof the elbow and kneeTo counter: strikes the foot to theopponent's chest then use another trick.If the boxer is a left handed fighter,reverse the descriptions from Right to left.Throws the elbow to the backThis elbow trick is used when the opponent attacks close to the back of the body.Use the left andright elbows to strike back alternately to the opponent's abdomen or to the left or to the right of theribs.While striking the elbows be sure that the tip of them oblique a little to the back.To protect: enfolds the arms to or the chest very tight.To counter: insert the hand under the opponent's armpits, catch the opponent's necks with thathand and pull down one side then throw up the one of the knee to the opponent's chin or face.71 To plant the elbowsThese elbow tricks used when the opponentlose his balance and steps in.If the opponentsteps in to the right: strike the right elbow tohis back.If the opponent steps in to the left:strikes the left elbow to his back.If he stepsin the front: strikes the both of elbows or oneof them to the opponent's back or you mayalso throw the knee to the opponent' chin.To protect: hold on to both fists to coveryour neck and both elbow to cover the chest.To counter: if you're got the gap or theoccasion to escape turn back and throw theleft or the right elbow to the opponent'schest.Throws the swinging backelbowThis elbow trick is used when the opponentthrows the elbow or the punch and misses thetargets, such as: throws the right punch andmisses the target then turns up and steps theleft foot at close quarters, at the same timestrike to the opponent's face with the leftswinging back elbow.This trick is used toattack.To protect: if the opponent strikes with theleft elbow, raise the left arm to guard/ if theopponent strikes with the right elbow, raisesthe right arm to guard.To counter: throw the toot, which is thesame side of the arm that is raise" to guard,to the opponent's rib and throw the oppositeelbow to the opponent's neck or head.72 Throws the straight elbow toneckThis elbow trick is used for stepping closeto the opponent and striking the straightelbow to the neck of the opponent, thenswings it to the opponent's jaws.To protect twist the body and step back toescape from the opponent.To counter: throw the right or the left kneeto the opponent's rib.You can study this trick by sitting and pitchthe left elbow on the table, the tip of the handpointing to the right side, don't move theelbow then tip the arm up very strong tostand straight.So you will know more of thistrick.The spiral elbowThis elbow trick is used for defense orescape when the opponent is tacked.Byopening both elbows, while tip of bothfists are close to each or other, then throwthe left and the right elbow to theopponents chin or jaws with power.Eachof the elbows may strike to both sidesTo protect: hold on to both arms toguard to both jaws.To counter: strike to the opponent sabdomen with the tip of foot-To protect: hold on to both arms toguard to both jaws.To counter: strike to the opponent sabdomen with the tip of foot73 Muay Thai's Elbow BasicsProbably the most feared of all techniques in Muay Thai are the Elbow Strikes.One well placed elbow can (and does!) end a fight during any round.There are a number of different strikes from numerous angles [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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