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.Thus if Venus is in 11°Capricorn and Saturn is in 12° Gemini, then Saturn is 151° distant from Venus.If we regard theposition of Venus as a symbolic 0° Aries, then the position of Saturn measured as 151° from 0° Ariesis 1 ° Virgo, which will be its position in the' 'Venus Zodiac." If we want to know the position of Venus in the "Saturn Zodiac" we count the degrees from Saturn toVenus (209) and again measure the distance from 0° Aries to give a symbolic 29° Libra as therelationship of Venus to Saturn.A zodiac is merely a cycle of relationship and when we relate twoplanets to each other in this way we are using zodiacal longitude to measure that relationship in termsof the arc along a circle.The distance at birth between any planets establishes their basic relationship and any third factortemporarily joining in that relationship activates the two planets involved in terms of their originalcontact with each other, which does not have to be a recognized aspect distance.A classical example of the repetition of an exact birth arc between two planets occurred in the case ofthe Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria, whose assassination at Sarajevo was used as a pretext forstarting World War I.In the Archduke's nativity, Venus was in 9° 19' Scorpio and Pluto in 10°30'Taurus.Pluto was therefore 181° 11' from Venus, representing a position of 1°11' Libra in the VenusZodiac.On the day he was assassinated, Venus in the heavens was in 9°45' Leo and Uranus was in10° 56' Aquarius.Uranus was exactly 181° 10' of arc from Venus and therefore in almost the same 1° 11' Libra in the Venus Zodiac."A man with a drawn sword in an aggressive attitude" is the LaVolasfera degree symbol for 1° Libra!Any re-allocation of planets according to this system becomes crucial when there are planets close tothe beginning degrees of the cardinal signs.This may have been one of the reasons why they havealways been termed "critical" degrees.If, for instance natal Mars is in 0° Aries and natal Saturn is in0° Cancer, Mars in terms of the Saturn Zodiac will be in 0° Capricorn, thus reinforcing the originalsquare.Using the Ascendant as the first point of a zodiac will give us the same results as if we had calculatedthe domal analogues on the basis of Equal House division.The theoretically ideal rising degreeshould be 0° Aries, but each individual when coming to birth chooses to identify with any of the 360degrees.The amount of displacement between the degree chosen and 0° Aries is a personal arc ofgreat significance.Thus there seems to be a strong case for applying this "arc of displacement"uniformly to each factor, so as to determine its relationship to the ascending degree in terms of asymbolic zodiac.This may be preferable to relying on the uneven houses of the horoscope as aframework on which to chart this particular relationship.A zodiac based on the relationship of every body to the Moon's North Node was proposed someyears ago by two European astrologers almost simultaneously and christened the Draconic Zodiac.Because the Lunar Nodes appear to have a special significance with human relationships, especiallywith those carrying a strong element of karma, the Nodal or Draconic Zodiac may be a particularlyuseful tool when investigating the potentialities of a relationship.When comparing horoscopes it will often be found that it is important to take into account theantiscion degrees.To find the antiscion degree of any planet, reflect its zodiacal degree over the 0°Cancer-Capricorn axis, where the Sun has maximum North and South declination at the time of thesummer and winter solstices.Thus a planet in 1° Capricorn has its antiscion in 29° Sagittarius, 2°Capricorn in 28° Sagittarius, 3° Capricorn in 27° Sagittarius and so on.Planets in mutual disposition in a nativity are, on that account, considered to be linked together.Adegree of compatibility is indicated if, for instance, one partner has Venus in Pisces and the other hasNeptune in Libra.This kind of sympathy existing between planet and sign will often manifest itself inother ways, so that one partner may have an aspect between the Sun and Neptune, while the otherpartner has the Sun in Pisces. Or a woman with the Sun in aspect to Saturn and Uranus may marry a man with Saturn and Uranusangular.The sympathy between house and sign is sometimes exemplified by one partner having theSun in the fourth house and the other partner having the Sun in Cancer and similarly with otherplanetary positions.In his early studies of astrology, the writer experimented with a system of sensitive points based onthe relation of each planet to the meridian when its zodiacal degree was rising or setting at thelatitude of the birthplace, and to the horizon when the zodiacal degree of the planet reached theupper or lower meridian [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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