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.""And you told no one," Emilio said flatly.He was looking at her like he wanted to puther through a wall.Or put a bullet in her head."I wasn't sure," Harriet said defensively.She crossed her arms over her chest andlooked between Sin and Emilio with an unsteady frown."I started tailing him monthsago because I suspected he was cheating on me.It turns out that he was, but I sawsome other things too.Weird meetings, odd traveling-- and he was borrowingequipment to keep things covert like jammers and scramblers.""And you told.no one." Emilio's mouth had turned down into a scowl as his jawclenched and unclenched.He looked up at the ceiling briefly, his face fixed inincredulous anger."Wow.I ought to knock the fuck out of this simple bitch rightnow.""Just relax," Kassian said.Ryan spoke almost simultaneously, "Guys, we don't have time to fight with eachother.""I tried to talk to Doug about it," Harriet said, not taking her eyes off Emilio.Herposture had shifted into a defensive stance.She seemed to be very aware of thefact that at the moment, Emilio was the immediate threat.If he didn't like heranswers or explanations, he was going to react."Maybe it seems stupid to you, but I don't have close friends in high places like youpeople do.I don't have a mom who's an Inspector, or a boyfriend or surrogate fatherwho's the goddamn head general.""Oh shut the fuck up with your whining," Emilio snapped."What did Douglas say?Better yet, what'd you tell him? Because he ain't never mentioned shit to me."Harriet exhaled slowly before replying."I told him that I'd been following Jon, and Inoticed him engaging with some shady looking people.But al he said was that Jonis a level 10 now, and he'd be doing a lot of weird things that I don't know about.""That's all you told him?" Sin asked incredulously."That he was engaging in-- al thatmakes it sound like is that he could have been buying fucking Pandora orsomething.Are you an idiot?""Yes, I'm a fucking idiot.Is that what you want me to say?" Harriet demanded, voicerising.She jabbed her finger in his direction sharply."What would you have liked meto do? Go running to the Marshal with this half-assed information? And what if hehad been on assignment? I was supposed to admit that I was stalking a level 10agent because I thought he was fucking someone else?"Ryan stood up at that point, and put a hand on her arm.Harriet started to yank awayfrom him but wilted under the touch after meeting Ryan's wide, indigo eyes."She has a point," Ryan said quietly."Can you two lay off? I'm as worried aboutBoyd and Zach as the two of you are, but attacking Harriet isn't going to changeanything."Emilio scoffed and yanked a crumpled pack of cigarettes out of his pocket."Fine.But that bitch is dumb as fuck.""Yeah, we got that from you already," Kassian said impatiently."So what's the plan?"Sin crossed his arms over his chest.He did not ease up on the glare that wascurrently directed at Harriet."Did you at least gather any intel? Or did you just docompletely useless stake-outs?"She narrowed her eyes at him, but nodded stiffly."I started documenting things afterthe second time that I noticed him doing something strange.I don't have access to alot of the technology that he seemed to have, but I got some pictures of people, andI started keeping track of where he went on downtime.And before you say a fuckingword--"Harriet threw Emilio a warning look."I didn't show Doug because I didn't know whatwas sensitive material and what wasn't.I still didn't know what I was witnessing.""Whatever."Sin stared at her for a long moment before shaking his head in disgust."Fine.Tomake a long story short, we need to know what Logan knows, and now what youknow.There needs to be a false electronic trail that is not traceable any further backthan the first assassination or major event that brought the mole to Seong'sattention.""So Seong gets her mole, and Vivienne and Zachary can't be blamed for it entirelysince it started under the new administration, and it was Connors that vetted Jon tobegin with," Ryan said, nodding."I get it.""Can you do it?"Ryan frowned slightly, and rubbed his hands against his blue, corduroy pants."I cancreate a fake history trail, but I need information to do it.We have to hope that wehave something, because Harriet's testimony alone won't be enough to convi--""Wait, what?" Harriet demanded."My testimony?""What, did you think you were here because we were dying to break the bad newsto you?" Emilio asked, sarcasm heavy in his tone."Why am I here?" she asked shortly, looking from Sin to Emilio."What's my role inall of this?"Emilio walked further into the room, stopping right in front of Harriet."Your man hasto die.If they take his bitch ass to the Fourth, they'l use every mindfuck available tomake him talk.The plan is to set the fake trail and for you to tell Seong that youfound out it, confronted him, and then took him out in the fight that followed."Her expression didn't change, but Harriet turned away.Emilio reached out as if tograb her shoulder but she deflected his hand without even looking at him, andfocused on some point out the window."First of al , don't put your fucking hands on me, Vega." The words came out evenand control ed, and she didn't so much as twitch as she finished speaking."Secondof all, no one's going to believe that I killed Jon without him putting up a fight.""It will look like he put up a fight," Sin said.He swept his gaze over the group in theliving room, watching their reactions as he spoke."You'll have to take somedamage.""From you?" Ryan asked, face aghast as he gaped at Sin.Harriet shrugged, still staring out the window with the same flat expression."Itdoesn't matter.""You think that, but Superman here will fuck you up something awful.Nah, can'thave that even if you is a simple bitch," Emilio drawled."I'll do--"Kassian shook his head at that, cutting Emilio off."No, I'll do it."She finally moved her gaze from the window, and met his eyes.Kassian's mouthwas fixed in a deep scowl as he crossed the room and put an arm around hershoulders.Unlike with Ryan, Harriet didn't flinch away from Kassian's touch and fora moment there was a glimmer of hurt in her face that was quickly masked."Okay.""How fuckin' sweet.You know you is in a room full of agents when the dude offeringto smack a ho is deemed the white knight."Sin shot his father an impatient glare."Can you shut the fuck up?""No offense Emilio, but yeah, your commentary isn't helping," Ryan said.Emilioreached out and smacked Ryan in the back of the head, causing the R&D agent'sglasses to slide down his face."Get it together," Sin snapped, shifting his glare between the two of them."This isn'ta fucking game."Emilio snorted softly, and cast his son a withering glare."Aiight, fine.So let's get thisshit together [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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