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.210 Chapter 9 Creating textTo place text blocks on the Stage, you use the Text tool.You can place type on asingle line that expands as you type or in a fixed-width block that wraps wordsautomatically.Flash displays a round handle at the upper right corner of textblocks that extend, and a square handle for text blocks with a defined width.Fixed text block handleExtending text block handleDynamic or input text block handleFlash displays a square handle at the bottom right corner of editable text boxes,indicating that you can size the text box vertically and horizontally according tothe amount of text to be entered.To create text:1 Select the Text tool.2 Choose Window > Panels > Character and Window > Panels > Paragraph toview the Character and Paragraph panels, and select type attributes as describedin the following section.3 Do one of the following:" To create a text block that widens as you type, click where you want thetype to start." To create a text block with a fixed width, position the pointer where you wantthe text to start and drag to the desired width.Note: If you create a text block that extends past the right or bottom edge of the Stage asyou type, the text isn t lost.To make the handle accessible again, add line breaks, move thetext block, or choose View > Work Area.To change the dimensions of a text block:Drag its resize handle.To switch a text block between fixed-width and extending:Double-click the resize handle.Using Type 211 Setting type attributesYou can set the font and paragraph attributes of type.A font is an assortment ofalphanumeric characters in a particular typeface design.Font attributes includefont family, type size, style, color, tracking, auto kerning, and baseline shift.(Youcan use embedded fonts or device fonts.See  About embedded fonts and devicefonts on page 210.) Paragraph attributes include alignment, margins, indents,and line spacing.To change font and paragraph attributes, you use the Character panel and theParagraph panel.To direct Flash to use device fonts rather than embedding fontinformation, you use the Text Options panel.When creating new type, Flash uses the current type attributes.To change the fontor paragraph attributes of existing type, you must first select the type.To use the Character panel:Choose Window > Panels > Character.Font nameType color boxFont sizeTrackingBold and italic buttonsBaselineshiftLink text boxTo use the Paragraph panel:Choose Window > Panels > Paragraph.Left margin Right marginIndent Line spacing212 Chapter 9 Choosing a font, type size, style, and colorYou can set the font, type size, style, and color for selected type using theCharacter panel.When setting the color of type, you can use only solid colors, not gradients.Toapply a gradient to type, you must convert the type to its component lines andfills.See  Reshaping type on page 223.To choose a font, type size, style, and color with the Character panel:1 If the Character panel is not already displayed, choose Window > Panels >Character.2 Click the triangle next to the Font text box and select a font from the list, orenter a font name.Note: The fonts _sans, _serif, and _typewriter are device fonts.Font information forthese fonts is not embedded in the Flash SWF file.See  About embedded fonts anddevice fonts on page 210.3 Click the triangle next to the Font Size value and drag the slider to select avalue, or enter a font size value.Type size is set in points, regardless of the current ruler units.4 To apply bold or italic style, click the Bold button or the Italic button.5 To choose a fill color for type, click the color box and do one of the following:" Choose a color swatch from the palette." Type a color s hexadecimal value in the text box." Click the Color Picker button and choose a color from the Color Picker.For more information on selecting colors, see Chapter 4,  Workingwith Color.Using Type 213 Setting tracking, kerning, and baseline shiftTracking inserts a uniform amount of space between characters.You use trackingto adjust the spacing of selected characters or entire blocks of type.Kerning controls the spacing between pairs of characters.Many fonts have built-inkerning information.For example, the spacing between an A and a V is often lessthan the spacing between an A and a D.To use a font s built-in kerninginformation to space characters, you use the Kern option.Baseline shift controls where type appears in relation to its baseline.Tracking, auto kerning, and baseline shift options are located in theCharacter panel.To set tracking, kerning, and baseline shift:1 If the Character panel is not displayed, choose Window > Panels > Character.2 In the Character panel, set the following options:" To specify tracking, click the triangle next to the Tracking value and drag theslider to select a value, or enter a value in the text box." To use a font s built-in kerning information, select Kern [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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