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.conf.htaccessAuthConfigExample:LimitsOptionsDefault:FileInfoIndexesSince: Apache 1.3This directive specifies a general access requirement that must be ful-Use for filled to allow access.It is a very powerful directive because the ex-fine-grained HTTPSpression is an arbitrarily complex Boolean expression containing anyaccess control.number of access checks.See the user manual for more de-tails.Papersize: (US letter)Cropmarks: (AWL repro) In this chapter:Daemon Command-LineControl Command-LineChapter 5Running Apache/O, /Ot Minimize execution speed (default) Microsoft Visual C/C++ documentation, Environment and Tools, p.531ow that we have discussed in detail how Apache has been built andNconfigured, it is time to actually run it.In this short chapter, we presentthe third reference part: the available command-line options of both theApache daemon program and the Apache control program.5.1 Command-Line Reference5.1.1 Apache Daemon ProgramThis section presents a complete reference to the command line of the Apachedaemon program.Because we built Apache with   inChapter 3 on page 37, the Apache program is named.By default,it is usually called for historical reasons.The command line has thefollowing general structure:optionThe following options are available on the Apache command line.Papersize: (US letter)Cropmarks: (AWL repro) 160 Chapter 5: Running Apache-R libexecdir DSO Runtime PathThis option is available only if Apache was built with therule enabled, which forces the Apache core code to be placed into aDynamic Shared Object (DSO) file.By default, this file is searched ina hard-coded path under.Use this option if you want tooverride the default.-d serverroot Server Root DirectoryThis option sets the initial value for the directory to server-root.It can be overridden by the directive in the configu-ration file.The default is.-f configfile Server Configuration FileThis option executes the commands in the file configfile on start-up.Ifconfigfile does not begin with a slash character (  ), then it is taken tobe a path relative to.The default is.-C directive Extra Configuration Directive PrologThis option processes the configuration directive before reading the con-figuration files.-c directive Extra Configuration Directive EpilogThis option processes the configuration directive after reading the con-figuration files.-D parameter Define a Configuration ParameterThis option sets a configuration parameter that can be used withsections in the configuration files to conditionally skip or pro-cess commands.-h Output Help PageThis option outputs a short summary of available command-line op-tions.-l Output List of Built-in ModulesThis option outputs a list of modules compiled into the server.-L Output List of Implemented DirectivesThis option outputs a list of directives together with expected argu-ments and places where the directive is valid.-S Show Virtual Host SettingsThis option shows the settings as parsed from the configuration file(currently, it shows the only virtual host settings).Papersize: (US letter)Cropmarks: (AWL repro) 5.1 Command-Line Reference 161-t Test Configuration ContentsThis option runs syntax tests for the configuration files only.The pro-gram immediately exits after this syntax parsing, with either a returncode of 0 (syntax OK) or a return code not equal to 0 (syntax error).-X Run in Single-Process ModeThis option runs in single-process mode, for internal debugging pur-poses only; the daemon does not detach from the terminal or fork anychildren.Do not use this mode to provide ordinary web service.-v Output Version InformationThis option prints the version of Apache and then exits.-V Output Version and Build InformationThis option prints the version and build parameters of Apache andthen exits.5.1.2 Apache Control ProgramFor convenience, an optional front end named (for  Apache Con-trol ) exists that can be used for easy starting, restarting, and even stoppingof Apache.This script has the following general command-line structure:commandThe following commands are available on the Apache control command line:start Start ApacheThis command starts the Apache daemon and gives an error if it isalready running.stop Stop ApacheThis command stops the Apache daemon.restart Restart ApacheThis command restarts the Apache daemon by sending it a.If the daemon is not running, it is started.The command automati-cally checks the configuration files via before initiating therestart to make sure Apache doesn t die.fullstatus Display StatusThis command displays a full status report from.For it towork, you must have enabled on your server and a text-based browser such as available on your system.The URL usedto access the status report is.Papersize: (US letter)Cropmarks: (AWL repro) 162 Chapter 5: Running Apachestatus Display StatusThis command displays a brief status report.It is similar to thecommand, except that it omits the list of requests currently be-ing served.graceful Graceful Restart ApacheThis command gracefully restarts the Apache daemon by sending it a.If the daemon is not running, it is started.This procedurediffers from a normal restart in that currently open connections arenot aborted.A side effect is that old log files are not closed immedi-ately [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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