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.details).The price of the tour goes towardsof avocado trees.The track doubles back and the mountain.A couple of small rock faces further conservation work.forth across the hill a couple of times as it are encountered on the way to the summit.Takitumu Conservation Areaheads uphill.Be careful, as the steeper sec- Hikurangi, the sacred mountain of the In the southeast of the island, the 155- ACTIVITIEStions can be slippery even in dry weather; Ngati Porou tribe on New Zealand s East hectare Takitumu Conservation Area (%29906; Hikingthey are quite hazardous when wet.Coast, was named in honour of this peak kakerori@tca.co.ck), with thickly forested hills, While the dazzling coastline of Rarotonga isThe place where you scale the rock face is when the Ngati Porou s ancestors arrived is home to the kakerori (Rarotongan fly- undoubtedly the main attraction, it s crucialabout 15m high.Safety equipment has been from Rarotonga in the 14th century.catcher; see p40 ), one of the island s few that you take the time to explore the island sinstalled on the rock face, but you must still endemic birds.As recently as the early mountainous interior.Choked in thick for-be careful.Finally you emerge onto an open TE MANGA 1990s, the kakerori was hovering on the est, drooping vines and vast jungle, the is-grassy area that slopes gently to the top.Rarotonga s highest mountain, Te Manga brink of extinction thanks to the egg- land s centre is virtually deserted and canFrom the far end you can look over a valley (653m; Map pp52 3), is the most difficult eating antics of the black rat (also known only be reached by walking trails; you don tto Maungaroa (509m) and Te Rua Manga to scale on the island  the long, strenu- as the ship s rat), which arrived with the have to go very far before the outside world(413m), the easily recognised peak also ous climb has several sections that are very first European ships and took a devastat- starts to feel a long, long way away.known as  the Needle.Looking back you tough and very steep, and should only be ing toll on many of the island s native spe- If there s one walk everyone should try tocan see along the coast from south of  Aror- considered by experienced hikers.Starting cies.In 1996 the landowners recognised do, even if you re only on the island for aangi to the airport runway in the north.The at the same place as the  Ikurangi walk, the that the survival of the kakerori depended short time, it s the stunning Cross-Island Trackreturn walk takes about two to 2 hours.return walk to Te Manga takes about six on conservation of this area, so they set (see p64), which you can either do as part ofhours, with a one-hour walk through the it aside as a conservation reserve.Happily a guided tour or on your own.The guidesMAUNGATEA BLUFF valley following Tupapa Stream, followed the kakerori population has since recovered only go in fine weather; if you re on theMaungatea (523m; Map pp52 3) is the peak by a two-hour ascent up the mountain.dramatically (there s now even a back-up island for just a couple of days and you rebehind that impressively sheer cliff-face di- breeding programme over on the island of planning on doing a cross-island walk, it srectly overlooking Avarua.The climb brings HOSPITAL HILL  Atiu, which has somehow remained free sensible to do it as soon as you can after youyou to the 340m bluff at the top of the cliff By far the easiest way to find a good view- of the ship s rat).Several tracks wind their arrive.Guaranteed  if you plan to do it onface, not to the peak of the mountain, which point is to drive up to Hospital Hill (Map way through the conservation area, offer- your last day, it ll be raining.is very difficult to reach and affords no great pp52 3 ), just behind the golf course.Youview once you get there.The bluff, on the can park in the hospital car park and con-THE GREAT MIGRATIONother hand, offers a great view over Avarua tinue on foot to the top.It s a fairly easy hike,and the north coast [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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