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.500/5.500/7.500 for a small/medium/to Shuneh al-Janubiyyeh (South Shuna; huge), which is almost worth the trip from250 fils, 45 minutes), and to Wadi as-Seer Amman on its own.The  wedding fatteh(200 fils, 30 minutes) and Fuheis (200 fils, adds tomato and cardamom.Choose be-30 minutes), with which Salt can be com- tween shady outdoor tables or a pleasant in-bined as a day trip from Amman.Taxis door dining area.Most nights there are also(JD5) can be chartered to Amman.live oud performances upstairs (after 7pm).Bookings are a good idea at weekends.FUHEIS �������� Hakoura Restaurant (x4729152; starters 800fils, mains JD2.500-5; h10am-midnight) Similarlyx06This pleasant village, located at a cool 1050m good and a little cheaper (a small fattehabove sea level (15km northwest of Amman), costs JD2.500), Hakoura is an artistic placeis famous in Jordan for producing fruit and with a commitment to traditional hospi-cement, but is of more interest to visitors tality, soulful music and modern art, withfor its fine places to eat.First built in about some excellent food thrown in.There s live2000 BC, Fuheis is now an overwhelmingly music on Thursday evenings.Christian village, with several Orthodox andCatholic churches, three of which are just Getting There & Awaydown from the minibus stop.Fuheis is easy to reach by minibus from AbdaliFuheis used to have several galleries and bus station in Amman (200 fils, 45 minutes).workshops producing ceramics, mosaics, The town is also connected to Wadi as-Seerpaintings and embroidery but at the time and Salt (each 200 fils, 30 minutes), so youof research only one was operating, in the could visit all three places in a day.If you reZuwwadeh Restaurant.eating at one of the restaurants until late, youmay need to prearrange a chartered taxi backEating to Amman (before/after 6pm JD3/5).Fuheis has two excellent restaurants, both The minibus stop in the older Al-Rawaqeasy to spot from the final minibus stop in neighbourhood (also known as il-balad) isthe Al-Rawaq neighbourhood.The food is at a roundabout, close to the two restaurantsexcellent, the atmosphere is charming and and marked by a statue of St George (knownalcohol is served.locally as Giorgis) slaying a dragon.� Lonely Planet Publications.To make it easier for you to use, access to this chapter is not digitallyrestricted.In return, we think it s fair to ask you to use it for personal, non-commercial purposesonly.In other words, please don t upload this chapter to a peer-to-peer site, mass email it toeveryone you know, or resell it.See the terms and conditions on our site for a longer way of sayingthe above -  Do the right thing with our content.A M M A NAMMAN [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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